Chapter Sixty Seven

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Two weeks later:

I sat in the car with Ashton as he drove me to the hospital.

"Are you excited?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I've not seen a pregnancy scan before." he said smiling at me.

I smiled back at him.

About half an hour later we arrived at the hospital.

Ashton took my hand as we I lay on the bed waiting for the midwife.

"Hi, Miss Evans." said the midwife as she entered the room.

I smiled at her as she sat down.

"Can you lift your top up?" she asked.

I obeyed, and gasped slightly as she applied the cold gel to my stomach.

She moved the probe around for a while, until eventually the baby appeared on the screen.

I stared silently at the screen as I saw my baby. My eyes filled with tears as I watched the screen and listened to the baby's heartbeat.

I looked over at Ashton and saw that he was smiling at the screen, as tears flowed down his face.

"Are you okay, Ash?" I whispered.

"Yeah, it's just amazing." he said quietly.

I smiled at him and squeezed his hand.

We both sat staring at the screen in silence for a while.

As I sat at the kitchen table, flicking through the newspaper, an article caught my eye.

"Ashton." I called.

"Yeah." he answered.

"They still haven't caught Dale." I sighed.

He shrugged.

"You know, he'll be coming after us." I said quietly.

"It'll be okay, we can handle him." he replied.

I walked over to the sofa and laid down on it, placing my head on his lap.

I sighed as he gently stroked my hair.

"What are we gonna do Ash?" I asked him.

"About what?" he said.

"If the baby is Dale's." I muttered as I stroked my bump.

"It doesn't matter." he said softly.

"Yes it does, you won't want to stay with me." I told him.

"I'm never leaving you." he whispered gently.

"I'm in love with you, and either way the baby is part of you so I'm in love with it too." he added.

He placed his hand next to mine and gently stroked my bump whilst playing with my fingers.

"I love you Ashton Irwin." I whispered.

"I love you too baby." he sighed, as he leant down and kissed me.

AN- Thanks you guys, I can't put it into words how much it means to have so many reads, votes and comments. I genuinely thought no one would read it! :) x

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