Chapter Twenty

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Luke's POV

I sighed as she walked away from me. I had done it again. I knew that she was with Ashton, and I didn't want to come between them. There was something about her that was drawing me in. I knew I would have to fight my feelings for her, and resist the urge to kiss her on a daily basis. I sighed again. It wasn't going to be easy.

Ashton's POV

I lay beside her listening to her cry. She had turned her back on me. I ran my hands through my hair angrily. I had screwed up, I should have told her, given her the choice. I was concerned that she would want him in her life, I couldn't let her get hurt again, it destroyed me to see her upset. I would speak to her in the morning and tell her everything.

Laura's POV

I woke early and climbed out of bed, perching on the edge. I heard Ashton stirring beside me, as he slowly sat next to me.

"I am so sorry." he whispered in my ear.

"I know, I just need you to be honest with me, Ash." I said quietly.

"I know." he sighed, I could tell from his voice that he felt guilty.

He sat quietly picking his nails, I could see he was deciding whether or not to tell me something.

"Ash, what is going on?" I asked him quietly.

He looked at me sadly, sighed and rose from the bed. I watched as he opened his chest of drawers and began to rummage.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I have to show you something." he stated.

He continued rummaging in the drawer and pulled out an envelope. He sat next to me on the bed and reluctantly handed it to me. I opened the envelope with difficulty as my hands were shaking.


I have a favour to ask you. I have told the girls very little about the real reason their father left us. The truth is that he was having problems at work, and rather than confronting them he chose to drink and take drugs. One evening we had a row, and he became violent towards me and Maddy. It was then that I decided enough was enough. He didn't leave us, I kicked him out to protect me and the girls.

He turned up again a year later and told me that he had sorted himself out and that he still loved us. It eventually turned out that he hadn't, so this time I kicked him out for good. I know what you must think of me for lying to the girls for all these years, but please try and understand that I wanted to protect them.

I have left this letter with my lawyer with strict instructions for it to be sent to you, should anything happen to me.

You have been a family friend for a long time, and I know that you care a great deal for the girls. So I am asking you to protect them for me and to keep him as far away from them as possible. Wherever he goes trouble follows, and I just want the girls to be safe and happy. I know I can rely on you. Jane x

As I folded up the letter, I angrily wiped the tears from my cheeks. I was so angry that once again I hadn't been told the truth, and to make matters worse my father was a worse person than I originally thought. I could feel the anger starting to boil over.

"Why does everyone in my life lie to me?!" I whispered through gritted teeth.

Ashton looked at me guiltily.

"He came to the funeral." he said nervously.

"What?" I rounded on him.

"I told him to leave." he said.

"Whatever." I said storming off.

"Where are you going?" he called.

"I have an exam to go to." I yelled back, slamming the door behind myself.

As I walked to the exam, my head was spinning. I didn't want to see my father, but I was angry that I hadn't been told about him. I found myself wondering if Ashton was really who I thought he was. Maybe we don't belong together after all.

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