Chapter Sixty Four

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When I noticed that Ashton was missing, I instantly panicked. I lept out of bed and grabbed my phone. I quickly dialed Luke's number and prayed that he would answer.

"Hello." Luke said groggily.

"Oh Luke thank god, Ashton's missing!" I exclaimed.

"Well he'll come back." he sighed.

"No you don't get it. I told him about Dale and now he's gone." I told him desperately.

"Oh shit!" he cried.

"I have to go and find him, will you come with me?" I asked him.

"Yeah sure, I'll pick you up in ten minutes." he said before hanging up.

I pulled my jacket around myself and huddled up as I stood in the cold winter morning waiting for Luke. I breathed a sigh of relief when I noticed his car coming. As soon as he stopped the car I flung open the door, jumped in and rubbed my hands together in front of the heater. I smiled as Luke turned the heater up. He's always so thoughtful.

He drove quickly, taking the corners much faster than usual.

"How did he take the news?" he asked me.

"Badly, I think he's going to hurt Dale." I sighed.

"Good, he deserves it." he spat.

"I know but I don't want Ashton to feel bad about it." I said quietly.

"I seriously doubt he'll feel bad." he chuckled.

Luke glanced at me as we pulled up outside Dale's house.

"Shall I wait here?" he asked me gently.

"Please can you come with me." I whispered.

He nodded and followed me as I walked slowly up the garden path. As I reached the door, I noticed that it was slightly ajar. I glanced at Luke and he shrugged. I gently pushed the door and jumped as it squeaked.

I could hear banging coming from the kitchen. I quickly made my way to the kitchen, Luke following closely behind.

As I entered the kitchen, I gasped at the sight that met my eyes....

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