Chapter Ten

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As I sat driving to find her I was lost in thought. I couldn't believe I had forgotten. She needed me, and I got distracted by the band. She is a huge part of my life and was long before five seconds of summer even existed and would be there long after the band ended. I vowed to never put the needs of the band above her. She is my world, she just doesn't know it.

I arrived at the cemetery, and stood against a tree watching her. She was kneeling in front of her mum and Maddy's grave. I could see from the movement in her shoulders that she was crying. I was so torn between comforting her and giving her privacy. I wanted to wrap my arms around her, and protect her from the pain. I couldn't bear it any longer. I walked over and stood behind her. She glanced at me and turned back to the grave. I knelt next to her and wrapped my arms around her, rocking her slightly.

"I am so sorry, I forgot it was the twenty second today. I can't believe they've been gone a year. " I told her.

She nodded and stared at the floor. She was sobbing so hard that I had to hold her tightly. She rested her head on my shoulder as I placed my chin on her head. A movement caught my eye and as I glanced, I saw the hooded figure standing beside one of the graves watching. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and my heart began to pound. I was so angry. How dare he follow her. I thought. Laura must have noticed I was tense as she looked at me.

"Is everything okay Ash?" she asked.

"Yeah, are you alright?" I replied quietly seething.

She nodded. She noticed me staring at him, turned her head and followed my eye line. She sighed as she noticed him standing there.

"What's wrong?" I enquired.

"I know this sounds crazy, but I think I'm being followed by the guy from the mall. He was outside the florists earlier too." she announced.

I watched her trying to see if she was afraid.

"Do you think I'm crazy?" she sniffed.

I shook my head and picked at the grass.

"You know who he is don't you?" she accused.

"No" I lied quickly.

"Ashton!?" she shouted slightly.

"I said no." I snapped.

"You don't need to protect me all the time."

"Yeah I do." I muttered.

She stared at me for a moment and then announced:

"I'm popping to the shop for a bottle of water, you coming?"

"No, I'll wait here." I replied quietly.

She stood up staggering slightly, I could see that she was exhausted from sobbing so much.

As she began to walk away, he moved, clearly following her. I waited until she was out of sight and stood, following him. As he passed the tree I was standing next to I reached out and grabbed his jacket, pulling him towards me and slamming his back against the tree.

"What the hell are you doing? " I spat as I pinned him against the tree.

"You know what I'm doing Ashton, I want her in my life." he growled.

"Over my dead body." I stated.

I was so angry that I could feel my arms shaking.

"I listened to you last time, but this time you will not keep her from me. You might have to accept that she needs me around" he announced angrily.

"If you're so sure why are you following her rather than just talking to her." I exclaimed rudely.

"I'm waiting for the right moment." he stated.

"You keep away from her or I will kill you!" I yelled as I let go of him and walked away.

"You'd better get used to me being around Ashton!" he yelled after me.

I ignored him and carried on walking back towards the grave and sat down, waiting for Laura to return.

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