Chapter Twelve

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Laura's POV

I woke up in Ashton's arms, I didn't know what the time was. I crept out of bed and saw that I was wearing Ashton's t-shirt. I loved the fact that it smelt of him. I was going to miss him so much when he goes on tour. I didn't know what to do. Part of me wanted to make the most of every moment with him, the other wanted some distance so as to prepare for his departure. I don't know what I'll do without him. I will be totally alone.

I went downstairs and made breakfast. Ashton came downstairs a few moments later.

"The boys are coming round later, thought we could all hang out by the pool." Ashton stated excitedly.

"Cool." I answered genuinely quite excited to meet the rest of the boys.

About an hour later the boys turned up. I had changed into a bikini and wore a kaftan over the top. I was laying on one of the sun loungers when I heard their voices coming from the house. Ashton led them outside.

"Hey." Luke said sitting on the corner of the lounger.

"Hey yourself." I replied and pushed him with my foot. He wobbled slightly but remained seated. I couldn't help but laugh at his face.

"This is Calum and Michael." Ashton announced gesturing towards a tall guy with dark hair and a green haired guy. They both smiled at me and jumped in the pool fully clothed. I squealed as the water sprayed me and Luke. Ashton and Luke stripped down to their trunks and jumped in after them, as I watched on.

"Are you coming in Laura?" Luke asked.

Calum and Michael were having a water fight in the corner. I walked over and sat down at the side of the pool, my legs in the water. Ashton swam over and floated next to me. He climbed out of the pool and rushed indoors. He returned moments later holding a box. He sat next to me and handed me the small box. The boys had stopped fighting and had fallen silent. I could feel their eyes on us. I opened the box my hands shaking slightly as he watched me closely waiting for my reaction. Inside the box was the most beautiful locket I had ever seen. It had my initials engraved on the front. I opened it and saw one picture of me and Ashton hugging and the other a family photo of me, mum and Maddy. My bottom lip began to wobble as I pulled Ashton into a hug.

"It's beautiful Ash." I said, my voice cracking with emotion.

We pulled apart and he took the necklace from the box. He brushed my hair onto my shoulder and placed the necklace round my neck gently fastening it. I looked down at the necklace and stroked it fondly. I could feel Ashton's hands lingering on my neck. It was making me feel uncomfortable.

"What's the occasion?" Michael asked.

Ashton's eyes met mine and I nodded at him.

"It was Laura's eighteenth birthday yesterday."

"And you forgot?" Calum teased laughing.

"No, I didn't want to celebrate as it was the day my mum and little sister died." I stated quietly.

I could feel Ashton tense beside me, I knew he was worried that the boys were going to upset me.

"Jesus, Laura, I'm so sorry." Calum said quietly.

Michael swam over and pushed him under. He came back up coughing and another fight ensued.

"Thanks so much Ash." I told him.

He smiled, hugged me tightly and jumped back into the pool.

I smiled as I watched them, messing about together. Michael swam over to me.

"Lets play a game." he announced excitedly as the others swam over to join him.

"What game?" I asked him.

"It's called I never. Someone says that they have never done something and if you have done it you have to jump in the pool." he announced proudly.

I looked at him, slightly confused.

"So if I say I've never been swimming, we would all have to jump in because we have been swimming before." he explained.

"This sounds fun." I said.

The boys climbed out of the pool and sat in a row next to me. Ashton and Calum on my right and Luke and Michael on my left.

"I'll start. I've never got a tattoo." he stated.

I sighed and jumped into the pool, followed by Calum, Luke and Michael. Ashton sat on the edge of the pool laughing at us. Luke was starting at me.

"You have a tattoo!" Luke exclaimed.

I nodded and giggled at their surprised expressions. We climbed out of the pool, and they were still staring at me.

"Show us." Michael pleaded. I rolled my eyes and stood up turning my back on them. I lifted my kaftan and showed them my tattoo. It was on my lower back. It was a purple butterfly, two of the wings had the initials of my mum and Maddy. The other two were blank ready for the initials of my future children.

"That's really cool." Luke said.

"What's with the bruises?" Michael asked.

I had completely forgotten about them.

"I fell down the stairs." I lied quickly.

Ashton was glaring at the ground.

"Ok we're done." he snapped and stormed indoors.

I looked after him. Michael followed him inside.

Calum's phone began to ring and he left to answer it, leaving me alone with Luke.

"So how's life treating you?" he asked.

"Good, congrats on the band, it's awesome. You guys are really good." I told him.

"Thanks." he said staring at the floor, looking really uncomfortable about something.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing." he answered gazing at the floor.

I watched him, confused as to what was going on. Before I knew what was happening he leant towards me and placed his lips on mine....

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