Chapter Thirty Eight

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"Ashton!" I squeaked in shock as I turned around and faced him.

He raised his eyebrow at me.

"Tell me what?" he questioned looking slightly nervous.

I looked between Luke and Ashton as my hands began to shake. I couldn't believe he was standing behind me. I scrunched my eyes closed hoping that I was having a nightmare and I would awake and everything would be fine. When I opened my eyes, I saw that Ashton was still standing there, looking at me questioningly.

"If you don't tell him, then I will." Luke announced quietly.

I looked daggers at Luke and snapped my head back towards Ashton, as I felt him take my hand.

"Tell me baby, it's okay?" he whispered softly.

I couldn't believe what I had done to him, he had no idea. He thought that I was upset about something and was concerned about me. How could I tell him.

"Is it something about the doctors?" he whispered in my ear as he placed his arm around my waist.

"Tell him, Laura." Luke persisted.

"Luke, stop, I can't." I cried.

"Tell me baby." Ashton pleaded.

"Promise you won't hate me." I asked him as I looked into his concerned eyes.

"I could never hate you." he told me frowning.

I took a deep breath.

"You remember the night I found you with Abbie." I said quietly.

He nodded and I continued.

"Well, I kissed Luke." I told him.

He stared at me for a long time. I could see the realisation slowly dawning on his face.

"It was a bit more than that." Luke added.

"Luke stop!" I sobbed.

Ashton's hand dropped from my waist and he stepped backwards, staggering slightly. I could see the hurt on his face. I could see the tears filling his eyes and I felt so guilty.

"You had sex with him." he whispered still stepping back.

"No, but it came close." I whispered at the floor. I was so ashamed.

I saw a flash of anger and sadness on his face, and I knew he was hurting, and it was my fault.

"I'm sorry." I said reaching towards him, but he shook his head and stepped back. He couldn't even look at me, he just kept glaring at Luke who was shifting his feet uncomfortably.

"It was a mistake, Ash." I pleaded with him, as I started to sob.

"How could you?" he whispered looking between me and Luke.

"Because, I love her." Luke stated quietly as I turned and looked at him in shock.

Ash walked towards Luke and stood next to him.

"No, you don't love her, I do, she's mine, and you stay the hell away from her!" Ashton spat, I could hear the venom in his voice.

Luke hesitated for a moment.

"But she loves me too." he said quietly.

I gasped in shock as Ashton launched at Luke and hit him on the cheek..

AN- The competition is still open if you guys want to enter. Hope you guys liked this chapter. Comments please :)

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