Chapter Fifty Four

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"Ashton!" I squeaked.

"Are you leaving?" he whispered.

"Yeah." I said hesitantly.

"Why?" he whispered.

"I just have too." I said quietly, looking at the ground.

"What did I do?" he asked.

"Nothing, I swear!" I cried.

"You can't leave me!" he exclaimed as tears began to roll down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"NO!" he yelled.

I looked at the floor.

"I.. can't.. lose.. you." he said, his voice cracking.

"Well, I have to go." I said quietly.

"Please... stay!" he begged stepping towards me. I could feel Luke shifting uncomfortably beside me.

"I can't." I whispered.

"WHY?" he exclaimed.

"I can't lose you, let me go with you!" he added.

"Ashton stop!" I pleaded.

He stepped closer to me, and rested his forehead against mine. Our lips were virtually touching.

"Stay." he whispered softly.

I could feel my resolve wavering. I desperately wanted to stay with him. But I knew that I couldn't. Tears began to roll down my cheeks too, which he gently brushed away with his thumb.

"Please stay." he sobbed. I had never seen him like this before. He looked broken. I had to keep telling myself that I was doing this for his own protection. I had to stay strong.

"Whatever I've done, I'll change, I swear, just give me another chance." he pleaded.

"Ashton, I've made up my mind." I sniffed.

"Please." he whispered.

He leaned in and brushed his lips against mine. The kiss was so gentle, like I was made of glass. I could feel his tears against my cheek as he kissed me gently. I closed my eyes and sighed. I didn't know it was possible to love someone this much. I pulled away and looked into his eyes.

He watched me closely, as I looked down at my hand, and began to work the ring off my finger.

"Don't." he whispered as he placed his hand over mine. I ignored him, and removed the ring from my finger. I looked at it and hesitated a moment, before placing it in his the palm of his hand.

"Please don't do this, I'll do anything." he whispered.

I turned away from him, but I felt him grab my wrist.

"Are you running away with Luke." he asked me sadly.

"No, he's just giving me a lift." I replied quietly.

"I'm going to miss you." he sobbed.

I took a deep breath and walked away from him. I felt Luke take my hand, trying to reassure me. As I reached the door, I looked back and saw Ashton on his knees sobbing.

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