Chapter Thirteen

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I didn't understand what was happening. I had no idea that Luke thought of me as more than a friend. Why did everything have to be so complicated. The kiss was nice. I suddenly realised what was happening and pushed Luke away and stood up. He leant towards me and began to kiss me again. I pushed him away again.

"Luke, stop!" I exclaimed.

He took my hand.

"You like me right?" he asked quietly.

As he said those words he reached up and stroked my cheek gently. I did like him, but as a friend only. I was still in love with Chris, and confused as to how I felt about Ashton.

I pushed his hand away.

"Luke, we are just friends." I stated.

"We can be more." he whispered in my ear.

He took me in his arms then and before I knew what was happening I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him back. I was so confused.

"I'm sorry Luke, but I don't feel that way about you." I whispered so quietly that he could barely hear me. I let go of him then and turned around. I jumped as I stood face to face with Ashton!

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