Chapter Fifty Nine

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"So I guess I know why you left." Ashton eventually whispered as he stared at my bump.

"Ashton-" I started.

"I guess you moved on quicker than I did." he said condescendingly.

"Really, I've only been gone six weeks!" I snapped at him.

He shrugged at me. I felt Luke standing directly behind me, trying to reassure me.

"Besides you don't get to talk to me like that!" I shouted.

He blinked at me, clearly shocked at my outburst.

"And to tell you the truth, I haven't moved on. I miss you everyday." I answered.

He looked at me for a long time, before stepping towards me. I stepped back and bumped into Luke.

"If you're hurting too, then why did you leave?" he whispered.

I looked at the floor.

"I had too." I told him.

"NO, WE ARE NOT DOING THIS AGAIN, YOU TELL ME!" he shouted, causing me to jump a little.

I felt Luke place his hand on my waist.

"You should tell him." Luke whispered.

I saw Ashton glare at Luke as I took a deep breath.

"The baby might not be yours, and I didn't want to hurt you by telling you that." I sighed.

He stared at me for a really long time.

"Ashton." I whispered.

"It's Luke's?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"NO!" I cried as I quickly stood between the two of them and placed my hand on Ashton's chest.

"I'm not going to hit him." he smiled.

"I swear on my mother's grave, I haven't had sex with Luke." I stated.

He nodded at me, and I saw for the first time in a while, that he actually believed me.

"Who then?" he asked me.

"Don't Ashton." I pleaded as my hand dropped from his chest.

"Please tell me, I need to know who I'm losing you too." he whispered softly.

I was about to respond, but I looked up as the door opened and Dale walked in.

I jumped and quickly stood behind Luke. My back against his.

"Hey Dale." I heard Ashton say.

"Why is Laura hiding?" Dale asked him.

Oh crap, he'd seen me.

I slowly came out from behind Luke. I saw Dale's eyes dart to my bump and my skin crawled as he smirked.

"Who got you pregnant?" he smirked.

I quickly took Luke's hand, and I felt him squeeze it. He always seemed to know when I was upset.

"She won't tell me." Ashton whispered. His sad tone broke my heart.

"I don't know!" I cried.

"You cheated on Ashton?" he pressed, a twinkle in his eyes.

I stared at him, completely speechless as tears began to roll down my cheeks. I felt Luke's grip on my hand tighten.

"No, of course not." I whispered as I watched Ashton's face. I could see that he was frowing as he carefully considered Dale's words.

"Well it seems that way honey." Dale said sweetly.

"Dale why don't you just Fuck off!" Luke shouted randomly.

Ashton and I looked at him in shock. I saw a look in his eyes that I couldn't interpret, I'd never seen it before.

"It has nothing to do with you!" Luke added.

Dale looked at me and winked, before leaving the room.

Ashton turned to walk away.

"Ash, wait!" I called.

"I just need some time to think." he whispered as he walked away.

As soon as he left, Luke took my shoulders and turned me around so that I was facing him.

"What was all that about?" he asked me softly, as he gently brushed away my tears.

"Dale's just a stir-up." I lied.

"It's more than that, the way he smirked at you, and what was the wink all about." he said almost to himself.

"Luke stop!" I cried, as I buried my head in his chest.

He held me for a moment before he pulled away and took my face in his hands. He looked deep into my eyes.

"Was it him?" he asked me.

"Was it him what?" I answered.

"Was it him that raped you, and don't lie to me, I always know when you're lying." he questioned. I could see that he was terrified of my answer.

"Don't be silly." I fake laughed.

"Laura, answer the question." he said gently.

I looked into his eyes and nodded. I saw a look of shock cross his handsome features, followed by anger. I had never seen him this angry before.

"You can't tell Ash." I pleaded.

"I won't, but you should." he answered.

"I can't." I whispered.

"Why didn't you tell me it was him?" he asked quietly. I could hear the hurt in his voice.

"He threatened to hurt Ash, and destroy his career." I whispered.

He pecked my cheek and let go of me. He quickly stormed across the room.

"Luke, where are you going?" I called.

"There's something I have to do." he replied looking at the floor.

He left slamming the door behind himself, leaving me standing alone wondering what he was going to do.

AN- I really enjoyed writing this chapter. Please vote and comment guys :) x

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