AntiPlot Chapter One: Deus Ex Machina

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I stand over a baron wasteland, my world, destroyed. Nothing left, but a vast crater. An endless spiral of regret, an endless spiral of pleasure. I pull out my IPod Touch. The case was black with white highlights travelling through the cracks. The screen was slightly damaged, but still useful. I scroll across the screen, multiple checklists filled the app. My name is Dorian Moon, or, it was... I no longer know who I am, nor do I care. Just like this world, and many before, I have destroyed them all, using the powers of Deus ex Machina. That's what I call the app that I use. It allows me to use any plot device that I can think of. The only problem is, I can only use them once. Once I use up the limits of the device, it disappears from my list. Still, I have plenty left to destroy even more worlds. I select one of the boxes, and a Trapezoid-shape appears on my wrist. "So, this was his device. It'll be useful for what I need to do." I raise the device to the sky, as a portal appears in front of me. I leap into the portal, and I'm falling through the space-time waterslide. Wherever I end up, will be my next target. "Ah, I love how these lottery wheels work." The waterslide ends, as I am dropped onto the mountains overviewing a large nation. I glance down at the Cyatch+, as it disappears. The option to use the Cyatch+ disappears as well. I look back up at the nation in front of me. "Time to start"

(Location Update: [Ultradimension] Leanbox)

I hop off the cliff edge, and land just outside the main city. I check my IPod Touch, as a certain device catches my interest. "Ooh... This'll be fun!" I click on the box, as I lose feeling in my hands and back.

I step into the streets, people were making their daily commute. Some were going to work, some were going to school, and some were just hanging out. I look around at the people around me, just as a man bumps into me. The man looks over at me with an angry glare. "Hey! Watch it kid!" The man turns around and continues to walk in the opposite direction. "Oh?" I raise my hand to the man, and form my hand into a finger gun. Some people around stopped and stared, some kids imitated, but most of all, the man turned back to me. I pointed my finger gun at him. "Bang." The back of the man's head, suddenly burst open, like a bullet had been shot through his head. People around started screaming. I turned to a few more people. "Bang. Bang. Bang." Three more people dropped to the ground, dead. "Oh, this is fun." I aim my finger gun at a few teens who were standing near a video game store. "Bang." ... ... Nothing happened... "That's weird... Must be used up." I put my left hand underneath my right hand, and made sort of an SMG using my arms. People started to run, some just stood in fear. I raised my arms towards the teens, and unloaded. "Dadadadadadadadada!!!" Blood splatters against the glass window, as the teens dropped to the ground. I turn around, taking out more people with my finger machine gun. "Dadadadadada!" More people dropped to the ground. Finally, it was silent. I take my hand off of my arm. "Huh? Is that all?" I make my way out of the streets, stepping on the bodies as I head towards the basilicom.

I see the basilicom in the distance. I check my IPod Touch, the device I'm using doesn't seem to be used up yet, which means I must have one more attack left. A spotlight hits me, and I'm temporarily blinded. I hear footsteps all around me, when my vision returns, I'm surrounded by Leanbox guards. "Stop right there! You are under arrest!" The other guards raise their guns at me. "Do you really think that will hurt me?" I start to levitate in mid-air, my back opens up, revealing robotic parts inside. A loud hissing sound escapes my open back, as lasers shoot out, striking the guards. Their blood explodes onto the ground in massive pools. My back closes, and I land on the ground. The device disappears from my checklist. "That was very interesting..." I look up at the basilicom. "Now, it's time to pay Lady Green Heart a visit."

I select another box and head into the basilicom.

"Hey! Wait... What are you... Agh!!!" I throw the guard at the wall, his blood splatters against the wall. I look at my arm, which turned into a scythe. "Ooh." A group of guards run into the hall behind me. "Halt!" I turn around and snap my fingers, blowing them up, in a blaze of glory. The guards bodies are burnt to a crisp. I check my IPod Touch, as two more boxes disappear. "Who goes there?" I look up to see an old man, he must be the elder of Leanbox's Basilicom. "Who are you?" I glare at him. "You should say your name first." The elder nods. "Very well, I am Yvoire. I am the elder of this Basilicom, and I think you shou...." I quickly slash at Yvoire with a sword that I had acquired from Deus ex Machina. It was a deep cut to his arm, definitely not fatal, but... Symbols appeared on Yvoire's body, as he drops to the ground, dead. The sword disappears, and so does the option in the checklist.

I finally arrive at the center of the Basilicom, and standing in front of me, was Vert. Well, she was in HDD form, and she looked like she was ready to fight. I click on a box from the checklist, as these gauntlet-type fists appear on my arms, and dark light-particle wings appear on my back. Green Heart readies her spear, and I clench my fists. The area goes silent, and I could've sworn a tumbleweed rolled by. I dash forwards, delivering the first blow, which Green Heart easily blocks with her spear. She starts up a rainy ratnapura, which I block with my gauntlets. I extend out my wings, as my aura flares to life. I dash towards Green Heart, activating a 15-string-combo. Green Heart falls to one knee. I walk up to her, as my device disappears. "Huh?!" Green Heart jabs her spear into my chest, and pulls it out, causing blood to erupt out. I hold my hand over my chest. "$#!%" Green Heart grins. "It seems like I've won this." I stumble backwards and drop to one knee. Green Heart stands back up and aims her spear at me. "This is the end!" ~ "Heh. Heh." Green Heart stares at me. "What... What's so funny?!" ~ "Hahahahaha HAHAHAHAHA hahahahaha heh heh..." I click on another box on my IPod Touch, and I slowly stand up. "So... Vert. You think you've won?" Green Heart gives me a confused look. I keep my eyes closed as I face her. "Now then..." I open my eyes at stare directly into Green Heart's eyes. "Die!" Green Heart's eyes grow wide, and she breaks into a grin. "With pleasure!" She takes her spear and drives it through her chest and out the back. Green Heart drops out of HDD and falls to the ground. The CPU was dead. "Heh heh heh... Hahahahahaha! It was THAT easy to kill a goddess?! What a joke!" My left eye turns back to normal, as another box disappears from the checklist. I step outside onto the balcony. "It's time to head out." I leap off the balcony and land outside of the Basilicom walls. "Now, it's time to give Blanc a visit. Heh heh heh heh... Hahahahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

End of Chapter.

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