Ouija Part 2

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Y/N: Now are we gonna sleep or..?

Sam: I dont think im gonna be able to sleep.

Y/N: You all always say that and then you all always end up asleep. If it makes you feel any better I have insomnia so i probably wont sleep anyway. I can keep watch.

Elton: Are you sure?

Y/N: Yeah. No problem.

Elton: Well if you get tired dont bother trying to stay up. Go ahead and go to sleep.

Y/N: Im a light sleeper too so if anything happens I'll hear it. Im still gonna lay down though cause im cold. What time is it by the way?

Elton: It is... Twelve. I think it would be best for you to be in between two of us so we can keep you safe.

Y/N: I think I can handle myself but I'm going to do it so I can absorb your guys' heat.

You lay down between Corey and Elton. Corey, and Sam take the two sleeping bags besides yours that arent being laid on. Colby has the blanket. Elton is left with nothing and just puts his hands in his pockets. You unzip your sleeping bag and throw half over him. He looks over confused as you look up to the sky. He snuggles into the blanket more and turns onto his side. You stay still until you hear the noise of a glass breaking. You sit up quickly and look around with your flashlight. You dont see anything so you lay back down, somehow falling asleep.

You wake up to the sound of an alarm and a heat surrounding your body. You almost thought you were home, in your bed. But the movement beside you made you know otherwise.

Corey: Guys. Its 6AM. Time to wake up.

You open your eyes to see Elton cuddling you. You blush and act like youre still asleep until he moves off of you to avoid any embarrassment. You feel his head jerk up and then his arm slide off of you gently.

Corey: Yo. Y/N. Time to get up.

You open your eyes and look around.

Y/N: Sorry. Must have fell asleep.

You sit up and stretch. You do a silent head count on all of the tired boys. You guys pack up and head back to the cars.

Elton: Guys im not sure I should be driving right now. Im extremely tired.

Sam: So am I.

Colby: I can barely keep my eyes open.

Corey: Same.

Elton: How are we gonna get home then? I really dont want to have to Uber home and then Uber back.

Colby: As uncomfortable as it will be, we can just sleep in the car.

Sam: Thats gonna suck but yeah.

Elton: Alr-

Y/N: Wait

Corey: What?

Y/N: I have plently of beds in the bus for you all to sleep some more if you want? That way you can sleep comfortably...

Sam: Im not gonna lie.. That sounds amazing.

Y/N: Alright. Come on then.

You lead them to your bus and let them in. Their jaws drop at the sight. A kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. Along with a dining table and couch.

Elton: You did this all yourself?

Y/N: With the help of my family, yeah. I designed it though. Alright so theres a single queen size bed in the back, two sets of bunk beds and the dining room table also folds into a bed. And the couch. And I can sleep in the drivers seat if need be. Help yourselves to whatever is in the fridge. And please if you need to use the bathroom, use a bush because I havent had to empty that thing out yet, and im not wanting to do it any time soon. And if you do use it, you are emptying it.

They all laugh.

Sam: Got it.

Y/N: Alright. Where is everyone gonna sleep?

Sam: Ill take one of the bunks.

Colby: Same.

Corey: Ill take one too.

Elton: I was gonna take the bed but since you all are taking the bunks I guess I will too.

Y/N: No. Please be my guest. Take the bed. Its really comfortable. Theres a door that can close to that room too so you'll have all the privacy you want.

Elton: No no thats your bed you can sleep in it.

Y/N: If im being honest I usually sleep up in the drivers seat.

Sam: What? Why?

Y/N: Because I'm usually to tired and lazy to move when I get somewhere that I can park.

Elton: We arent gonna get in your way for your roadtrip, right?

Y/N: Oh no. This was my last stop. Im just gonna be headed home now.

Elton: Oh. Where is home?

Y/N: Oregon, unfortunately. As far North as you can be without being in Washington.

Colby: Unfortunately?

Y/N: Ive been working to move here but its a pain in the ass. Cant find a job or an apartment. Or even a place to just park this thing.

Elton: Yeah its pretty packed out here.

Y/N: Anyway, I hope everyone sleeps well. Does anyone need anything?

Everyone: No.

Y/N: Alright, well I'll be up here if anyone needs something.

Sam, Colby, and Corey all go lay down and fall asleep almost immediately. Elton sits across from you at the dining room table.

Y/N: Yes?

Elton: I just wanted to apologize for earlier... I woke up cuddling you and I didnt know if I made you uncomfortable and I wanted to apologize just in case.

Y/N: Can I be honest?

Elton: Of course.

Y/N: I havent slept that well in years. It has to be because you were cuddling me.

Elton: So it didnt make you uncomfortable?

Y/N: No. I honestly kind of liked it. I havent been held in forever.

Elton: Really? You dont have a boyfriend? Or girlfriend... I dont judge.

Y/N: No. No boyfriend in years. Everyone in my town thinks im weird.

Elton: Really? Why?

Y/N: Apparently wanting to hunt ghosts and travel the world as a job is weird. I dont know. I tried doing Youtube and they would all comment hate and mess with me so I deleted the channel...

Elton: Those guys are assholes!

Y/N: Yeah well... Thats life I guess.

Elton: They should have been encouraging you! Not trying to hold you back!

Y/N: And now you know why I want to move here. As hard as it is for me to make friends in general, I think I'd be able to find more people like me here... I think I already have.

Elton: Oh yeah? Who?

Y/N: Well... You.

You two stay up for another hour just chatting and getting to know eachother.

((A/N - I hope you guys enjoyed!))

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