Bahamas 2

657 16 6

After room service came, and we ate, we wound up in our private pool and hottub. We're both sitting in the hottub and Elton has decided he is going to hold me on his lap and not let me leave.

Y/N: This is so fucking nice.

Elton: I know...

Y/N: It would be a bit more nice if I could move though...

Elton: Sorry no can do.

Y/N: But whyyyy

Elton: Cause I have to protect you and our little baby.

Y/N: Okay, Elton, I love you so fucking much and that was the cutest thing I have ever heard, but im starting to feel claustrophobic.

He laughs and lets go of, letting me sit beside him and I grab his hand, and we just sit there and cuddle until we hear a knock at the door. We both get out and wrap our nice new robes around us, and go to the door together. We open it to see Sam, Colby, Corey, and Jake all standing there smiling at us.

Elton: What the fuck.

I open the door wider for them to come in without saying anything or even being shocked. You cant be friends with a group of pranksters and not expect to get pranked somehow. Although, i must admit that I figured they would let us have this one week. They get inside and sit down on the couch, and start recording us.

Elton: How the hell did you guys find us? I specifically made sure not to tell anyone where we were going.

Sam: Well I knew your phone lock code. So while you were showering the morning of the wedding, I looked through it and found out where you guys were going. Its our turn to take you on a TFIL adventure.

Y/N: What does that mean? This is our honeymoon, you cant just hijack it.

Jake: Yeah we thought about that.

Colby: Yeah, so we extended your trip here. On us. We got the room for an extra week, and we changed your flights. After this week of your honeymoon, we're taking you guys on a TFIL trip.

Y/N: So you guys showed up now, to tell us about something thats happening in a week?

Jake: Yeah, we're gonna chill here too. Dont worry, we wont bother you much.

I get a sadistic smile on my face that Corey basically immediately notices.

Y/N: Yeah, you better not.

Elton giggles, knowing im fucking with them.

Sam: Trust me, we wont.

I smile normally at their frightened faces.

Y/N: If you guys want to hangout just text and ask. And dont be offended if we say no.

Colby: Of course.

Jake: Holy shit.

Elton: What?

Jake: Youre showing! You have a little baby bump, Y/N!

Y/N: I know! Isnt it cute?!

Corey gets excited and everyone else smiles.

Corey: Holy shit you guys have a little baby in there!

Sam: Elton isnt Uncle Elton anymore! Hes Daddy..? Elton..?

We all laugh at how awkward that sounded.

Elton: I hate that never say that again.

Y/N: Yeah, that didnt sound right. But you all will be uncles soon enough. Uncle Sam, Uncle Colby, Uncle Jake, and Uncle Corey.

Jake: Why does mine sound like that alcoholic uncle?!

Y/N: Yeah, I dont know. Coreys sounds the best. Besides Uncle Elton, of course.

Sam: It really does. Uncle Corey.

Y/N: Or should it be Aunt Corey?

We all chuckle again.

Corey: Whatever that little baby wants to call me is fine by me.

Jake: Even if it calls you fuck face?

Once again, we all laugh. We all sit and chat but Corey looks like he wants to ask a question but is scared to.

Y/N: Corey? Everything okay?

Corey: Yeah, I was just kinda wondering something...

Y/N: Whats up?

Corey: Could I feel your tummy? Ive never felt a baby bump before..

Y/N: Of course! Let me change into some sweats and a shirt instead of a robe and bikini.

I run to the bedroom and change, and come out in sweats and a crop top send it shirt. I sit beside Corey and looks nervous.

Y/N: Its okay.

I grab his hand and place it on my tummy while leaning back. As his hand rests on my tummy something that hasnt happened before, happens. The baby kicks.

Y/N: Oop.

He pulls his hand back quickly.

Corey: Did i do something wrong?!

Y/N: No, no. Not at all. I think the baby likes you.

Corey: That was the baby? It kicked my hand?!

Y/N: Mhmm.

He smiles big and Elton stands up.

Elton: Wait, thats my baby! I want to feel it kick!

Everyone else says they do too, and basically gets in line for a turn to touch my stomach. Elton places his hand gently and waits.

Kick kick

He pulls his hand back and smiles.

Elton: It kicked me twice!

I laugh and smile with him. Sam goes next, and gets a single small kick.

Sam: Was that it?

I nod and smile. He smiles as well, and moves so Colby can take his turn. The baby kicks slightly harder for Colby.

Colby: It likes me too!

Jake comes up next and gets a smaller kick like Sam.

Jake: I barely even felt it. What does that mean?

I shrug and sit back up normally now that everyone is done touching my belly. Well, i thought so. Elton Practically dives back down and puts his hand back on my stomach.

Kick kick

Y/N: I think it know who their dad is.

He smiles, bends down, and kisses my tummy right where the baby kicked. It kicks again right as he does it. Corey laughs.

Corey: It either really loves you or kinda hates you.

Y/N: Im almost sure it's the first option.

We all spend the rest of the day together, swimming in the pool, and eating room service.

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