Not Feeling It

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You and Elton are having a relaxed day on the beach. That is, until someone interrupts.

???: Elton?!

Elton looks up from the spot you were both laying and his eyes go wide.

Elton: Amanda... Hey...

He is very obviously uncomfortable. You look up and see a redhead and recognize her immediately. He stands up to talk to her. She hugs him and you instantly feel a pit of jealousy in your stomach.

Amanda: How have you been? It's been so long since I've seen you!

Elton: Yeah uh... I-its been good.

You sit up and scroll through your phone, trying to ignore the current situation.

Amanda: Who's this?

You look up, see she's talking about you and you stand up smiling falsely at her.

Y/N: Hi, I'm Y/N.

Amanda: I'm Amanda. I'm his ex girlfriend.

Y/N: Yeah. I know.

Elton looks in between you two and instantly notices how stand offish you were. He wraps his arm around your waist to reassure you. You relax slightly at his touch. She looks at you up and down and then looks back at Elton.

Amanda: So this is your new girlfriend? What happened to the other one?

Elton: I-it just didn't work out.

You get a call from Sam and decide to take advantage of it. You step away slightly and answer. He asks you to come over with Elton. You thank him and he asks what for, you tell him you'll tell him when we get there. You walk back to your boyfriend.

Y/N: Babe, Sam needs us to come over.

Elton immediately catches on and plays along.

Elton: Okay. Is everything alright?

Y/N: I don't know. He sounded pretty shaken up.

Elton: Alright, well I'm sorry to cut this short but we got to go.

Amanda: Alright it was so nice seeing you again.

She rubs his bicep and you clench your fist and go to step towards her and Elton grips around your waist and starts walking with you to the car. You sigh once you get to the car. He opens your door and kisses you quickly as you get in. He gets in himself and grabs your hand.

Y/N: Shouldn't have pulled me away... I would have won.

Elton: That's exactly why I pulled you away. I don't need my girlfriend going to jail.

Y/N: Eh it would've just been one night.

Elton: And who would've bailed you out?

Y/N: Who cares? I would have been fine.

Elton: But who would I have cuddled tonight.

Y/N: Now that, I don't know about.

Elton: Exactly. Anyway, we're here.

You go up to Sam's apartment. He quickly opens the door after knocking and shows a puffy eyed Sam. You guys walk into the room and see Colby also sitting there, also clearly upset.

Elton: Whoa what's going on?

Sam: We just had a deep conversation about where we are. I made him cry because I was crying.

Y/N: Well is everything okay? You guys aren't giving Youtube up or anything, right?

Colby: No. Sam just isn't feeling it lately, and it made me feel bad. We just wanted to hangout with a couple people to distract us, I guess.

Sam: Yeah. So if you two are down, we could play board games or something.

You and Elton both nod.

Y/N: Yeah sounds great. We needed to get out of the situation we were in too so it works out great.

Sam: Oh yeah what was going on there?

Elton: Amanda showed up.

Colby: Wait. THE Amanda?

Elton: Yeah.

Colby: Ew what happened there?

Y/N: She was being overly flirtatious.

Elton: Yeah and Y/N almost knocked her the fuck out.

Sam: Wait really?

You nod.

Y/N: She would've deserved it. She didn't just touch his arm, she fucking STROKED his bicep.

Elton: Yeah. I had to pull her back before she did.

Y/N: Listen, we just started saying I love you. There isn't any going back for me now. I'm gonna make sure she steps off my mans.

The guys all laugh.

Colby: I don't blame you. I do the same when guys do that kind of shit to girls I'm dating.

Elton: It was hot though.

You look at him and smirk.

Y/N: You thought it was hot? Why didn't you let me actually fucking punch her.

Elton: Because like I said earlier I didn't want to have to bail you out.

Sam: Alright, so what game should we play?

Y/N: What games do you have?

Sam: Well I have a deck of cards, so we can play any of those games. I also have Monopoly, Sorry, Trouble, Clue, Uno, Jenga, and Cards Against Humanity.

Y/N: My vote is for Cards Against Humanity.

Elton: Same.

Sam: Sounds good to me.

He gets out the game and you all play together for hours until its 11PM.

Elton: Jesus its already that late?

Colby: Whoa. Yeah I got to get to bed. We got that abandoned city tomorrow.

Y/N: Yeah we better get going.

Sam: Alright. Thanks for coming over, guys. It really means a lot.

Elton: No problem, Sam. Whenever you need anything, don't be afraid to call. You know that.

You and Elton head back home and head to bed.

((A/N - I know its a little short I just didn't know what else to do with this filler chapter. Sorry. Hope you all enjoyed.))

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