Salted Wounds

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Corey acts fast as I begin to cough up blood.

Corey: Jake put a circle of salt around her right now.

Elton: Corey?! What is happening!?

Jake gets the circle around me, instantly making things both better and worse at the same time. I hold my hand out for the water and take a big gulp and spit it out, getting rid of the remaining blood in my mouth. I drink quite a bit. Corey laughs as I hand him the bottle back, and he reads the label.

Corey: This spooky bitch...

Sam: What?!

Corey: This is fucking holy water! She surrounded herself and Elton in salt so the only place the spirit could go was her, and then fed him holy water to get rid of it as we prayed. Then when it pushed her off of him, the salt made it so it couldnt get back to him! Now shes in a circle of salt too so it cant get any of us.

Y/N: Im a fucking genius arent I?

I cough a bit more of blood up as the energy lifts off me, and seemingly out of the room. I slowly stand up, and then leap towards Elton and hug him.

Elton: Im so sorry...

Sam: Lets go sit in the car, guys. Give them a moment.

As they leave I kiss Elton passionately, and run my fingers through his hair. We pulls apart and just hold eachother.

Elton: What even happened? I remember wiping the blood off your nose and then nothing until you came inside and sat on my lap.

Y/N: You fainted, and I caught you and held you until you woke up and stood up.

Elton: Thats it? I remember waking up in the chair.

I dont say anything and look down.

Elton: Baby?

Y/N: I hugged you, and you pushed me off into the wall and then started choking me... Luckily the guys came in before anything bad happened.

Elton lifts my chin up, and sees the darkening bruises. He steps away from me and looks at his own hands in disgust.

Y/N: Elty. It wasnt you. It was whatever that entity was.

I step towards him and he steps away again, and then walks out as I reach for him.

I sit onto the floor and cry quietly.

Corey walks in and sits in front of me.

Corey: What happened?

Y/N: He asked what had happened and I told him everything but the choking... And he knew I wasnt telling everything... So I told him and he left... He saw the bruises and he left...

Corey: Bruises?

I raise my chin and show him.

Corey: Holy shit. I didnt know his grip was that tight on you.

I nod sadly.

Y/N: My feet literally werent on the ground.

Corey: Why didnt you try to get him to stop?

Y/N: Because I didnt want to hurt him.

We sit in silence until Colby pops his head in.

Colby: Y/N Elton wants to see you.

I nod and get up and walk out and before I can even spot him, hes hugging me tightly. I hug him back and he lifts me up and carrys me to the car.

Elton: Lets go home.

I nod and get in and lay down across the seat and Elton, my head on his lap. As we start driving he whispers to me.

Elton: How can you still trust me?

Y/N: Because it wasnt you. I know you would never hurt me.

Elton: But I did...

He rubs his thumb on my neck.

Y/N: You dont even remember doing it so how could it have been you?

Elton: True...

I sit up a little and get next to his ear. He takes a sip of water and I know its the perfect time to say it.

Y/N: Besides you should know I dont exactly dislike being choked.

He coughs and spits his water out and everyone in the car looks at us.

Sam: What the heck just happened?!

Elton is beet red, so I answer.

Y/N: Just enlightening the mood.

We stop at a McDonalds on the way home. As Elton is ordering I sneak to the empty playplace like I did way back and climb up. The structure is different since its a different Mcdonalds, but somehow I find another hiding spot. I hear them walk in, and sigh, almost making me giggle.

Sam: Not this again.

Jake: At this time she isnt drugged up.

I hear someone enter the structure and climb up, and get very close to me.

Elton: Y/N..?

I giggle purposely, letting him hear me. He turns and makes it into my hiding spot and kisses me.

Elton: I love you.

Y/N: I love you too.

We sit there kind of cuddling. Elton draws circles on my thigh, unknowingly turning me on drastically.

Sam: Alright, where are you two?

I whisper to Elton.

Y/N: You know what? Scott and Kristen are watching Sol and Leo until tomorrow around 1.

Elton: Yeah? And?

Y/N: So we could have the house all to ourselves tonight.

His eyebrows raise. He is about to respond when Sams face appears in front of us.

Sam: Am I interrupting something?

Y/N: No.

We get out and slide down once we hear our number called and eat our food. After we finish eating, we sit and talk for a while before driving back. We get to Sam, Colbys, and Jakes apartment building where we left our car and we wave goodbye before heading home. Once we do get home neither of us waste a second. Elton lifts me up and carries me to the bedroom, setting me on the bed and then pointing at me.

Elton: Get naked.

He walks into the bathroom and I do as he says and strip all my clothes off. I hear the shower turn on and smirk. He comes back in and stares at me for a second before pulling all of his clothes off quickly, exposing his quickly growing and hardening member. He picks me up again, carries me to the shower, and we have the most love filled night since before the babies were born.

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