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Elton wakes me up as we land in the Bahamas. I get everything together quickly, as I am EXTREMELY excited.

Elton: Babe, calm down we have a whole week here and they always dont let us out for a good half hour once we land.

Y/N: But im excitedddd

I stick my bottom lip out in a pout at him and he smiles and shakes his head at me.

Elton: I love you. But youre a real goof sometimes.

I just smile big at him, making him laugh.

Elton: God i love you.

Y/N: Sorry im married.

Elton: Oh yeah? He must very lucky.

Y/N: Im pretty sure im lucky one here.

???: Excuse me? Youre Elton Castee, right?

Both Elton and I look to see a young boy, with a note pad and pen.

???: And youre Y/N Y/L/N?!

Y/N: Yep!

Elton: Well technically Y/N Castee now..

He smiles towards us both.

???: My name is Nate.

Y/N: Hi Nate!

Elton: You excited to be in the Bahamas?

He nods and smiles.

Nate: I was wondering if I could have your guys' autographs?

Elton: Of course!

We both sign the note pad and write a cute little note about following his dreams and "sending it".

Elton: Here ya go.

Nate: Thank you so much!

Elton: Could I ask you one favor, Nate?

Nate nods eagerly.

Elton: Please dont tell anyone that we are in the Bahamas, okay?

Nate: Okay!

Nate runs back to his parents who smile at us graciously.

Stewardess: Okay, folks. The seatbelt sign is off and we want to thank you for flying with us. Enjoy your time in the Bahamas!

We grab our bags from the over head compartment and head out of the plane, and into the airport. Elton leads me to the car rental area, get the keys, and the worker takes us to our car. A matte blacm convertible.

Y/N: Holy shit Elton! This is amazing!

Elton: I only get the best for my wife.

He opens the door for me, like always, and then gets in himself. We drive to the hotel, and check in. We get shown to our suite and let in by staff, who then hands us our key cards. At first glance of the room, I am speechless.

Y/N: Elton...

Elton: Wow.

Tears start attempting to stream down my face as I take in the gorgeous room. The main color is white, with accents of red. In the main room there is a couch and television, and a glass door that leads to a private pool and hottub. The bedroom is big, and the bed has rose petals all over it. On the bedside table is a bucket with ice and champagne with two glasses beside it. The bathroom is large also, a Jacuzzi tub and large rainfall shower. Bath salts, bath bombs, and bubble bath are lining the tub along with shampoos, conditioners, and lotions. Out on the deck with the private pool and hottub there is a hammock perfectly sized for two people with a soft blanket and two pillows. This place really is set up for a couple.

Y/N: Elton... This is... Gorgeous. Holy shit.

Elton: Thats why I picked it. A gorgeous room for my gorgeous wife.

I grab his hand and continue looking around. I look in the closet and see two robes, one marked "Mr" and one "Mrs", with a sign that says complimentary on it. They were the softest robes ive ever felt. In the bedside table was a room service menu and one other thing that made me laugh.

Y/N: Babe oh my god you have to see this!

Elton walks over and looks into the drawer and begins laughing as well. He grabs them, and reads the note that came with them.

Elton: We know youre on your honeymoon, so here's for using protection!

Y/N: I cant believe they gave us a box of condoms!

Elton: Thats honestly amazing. Im rating 5 stars just for that.

We both laugh and unpack our stuff, and then grab the room service menu.

Elton: So what are you gonna want for dinner?

Y/N: Uhmm... Im not sure.

Elton: What about steak?

I try to hide it but at the mention of steak my stomach turns.

Elton: Baby? Are you okay? You look a little pale and even a little greenish...

Y/N: Ill be right back.

I run to the bathroom, slam the door shut, and barely make it to the toilet before I vomit. Once I got it all out, I stand up and use the complimentary toothbrush and toothpaste that I am, in this very second, very thankful for. I clean myself up and open the door and see Elton standing there concerned.

Elton: Are you okay?

He asks me softly as I shiver.

Y/N: Yeah I uh... I have a feeling that was a side effect.

Elton: A side effect? Of what?

Y/N: Of having a little baby in my tummy.

Elton: Oh. Right.

I giggle as I walk over to the couch to continue looking over the menu.

Elton: Youre still hungry?

Y/N: Yes... Dont judge me im pregnant.

He laughs slightly and kneels by me and places a hand on my stomach.

Elton: Listen here little baby stop making your mommy sick!

I giggle and he kisses my tummy as I continue looking over the menu.

Y/N: What are you getting, Elty?

Elton: Im scared to say because I dont want you to get sick again.

Y/N: Ill be okay. I promise.

Elton: Okay. Im getting the spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread.

Y/N: Hmm.. That sounds good, actually.

Elton: Great!

He calls the front desk and places our orders while I change into my bikini and notice something that makes me stop dead in my tracks.

Y/N: Babe! Come here! Quick!

Elton runs in, concerned.

Elton: What? Whats wrong?

Y/N: Look! A bump!

I point to my slightly swollen belly.

Elton looks and he smiles.

Elton: Theres a little baby in there!

Y/N: I know!

Elton: Our little baby!

He hugs me with his hand on my belly, before bending down to talk to my tummy again.

Elton: Okay as cute as that is, little baby, you still need to stop making your mommy sick.

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