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Falmer: Okay, so...

We wait patiently as she reads the sheet.

Falmer: It looks like unfortunately she does have RSV.

Elton grabs my hand as I drop my head.

Falmer: Would you like me to call an ambulance for her or would you like to drive her to the ER?

Y/N: We'll drive her but can you call her in for us so they'll be ready and we dont have to wait forever?

Falmer: Of course.

We thank Doctor Falmer and leave quickly, buckling the car seat in the car and not wasting any time to get our little girl taken care of. We get there quickly, and Elton takes her in as I find a parking spot. As I park and turn off the car Elton texts me a room number. I speed walk to the room, where theyve already hooked her up to an IV and a nebulizer. I hug into Elton as she looks around frantically trying to figure out whats going on.

Nurse: Okay, so we're getting her started on some antibiotics, and a nebulizer. Do what a nebulizer does?

Elton and I respond at the same time.

Elton: No.

Y/N: Yes.

Nurse: Its basically an inhaler, but it takes longer to get the steroid medicine so it for sure works.

Elton and I nod in understanding before sitting beside her. I lay my head on his shoulder.

Y/N: You know how they have those rooms in some hospitals that like ask you whats wrong and your pain scale from 1-10?

Elton: Yeah?

Y/N: Well, when I had my RSV i remember going into one of those and passing out in the chair while my mom told them what was going on. And then I momentarily woke up and just saw the lights flying by as I was being wheeled on a bed to a room. Then I slept for a week straight. Didnt wake up, eat, go to the bathroom... My body had shut down. A nurse came in and took a picture of me and then printed it off at walmart since printers werent really a normal thing everyone had. She brought it to my mom the next day and said "I took this for you because it could probably be the last picture youll get of her". Made my mom bawl her eyes out. Then a day or two later, I remember waking up and seeing my sister at the end of the bed playing some game and I just saw a doll beside me and started playing with it. All of the sudden I was okay. They got me a little kiddie pool to bathe me in because I love(d) baths so much.

Elton: Holy shit...

Y/N: I just really dont like being told what i will or wont do.

Elton: What do you mean?

Y/N: Well they were basically saying I was gonna die, so I didnt. I was told I was gonna be shorter or the same height as my mom. Now im taller than her. I just really dont like doctors telling me what I will or wont do.

Elton: Well im glad you didnt listen because if you had of, you wouldnt have been here.

I smile and kiss his shoulder and lean back onto him and he holds my hand.

Elton: We'll all be okay.

I nod and close my eyes to rest before a couple pairs of quick moving feet stop at the door of the room we're in.

Y/N: Come on in, guys.

Corey: What the fuck? How did you know it was us?

Y/N: Who else would it be?

Corey: True.

Corey, Colby, and Heath all stand by us.

Elton: Wheres Sam and Jake?

Colby: Sam is editing a Sam and colby video and Jake is at a photo shoot for his new merch coming out. Theyre heading here as soon as theyre done, though.

Heath: I'll be right back.

Heath leaves and Elton, Colby, Corey, and I chat while we sit with Sol, who is sleeping peacefully. Soon enough, Heath returns the room with about six stuffed animals, balloons, a card, coloring book, crayons, and enough candy to feed a small army of people. I start laughing hard.

Heath: Whats so funny?

Elton starts laughing too, and soon everyone is giggling besides Heath.

Heath: Im so confused right now.

Y/N: Its just so dang cute!

Heath: What?!

Y/N: You! Going and buying all that stuff. Shes gonna love it.

He blushes and places it cutely on a table beside her bed.

Heath: There. Now when she wakes up she has something to do.

I smile at him before resting my head on Eltons shoulder once again. I fall asleep and dont wake up until Sol starts to cry. Motherly instincts kick in, and I go to her and start feeding her. A nurse comes in from her cries, and stops when she sees I'm taking care of it.

Nurse: If youre feeding her we should be giving you antibiotics too.

I hold out my arm inviting her to give me an IV with antibiotics and she runs out of the room to get the stuff. By the time she gets back I'm laying in the bed, holding Sol close to me. She gives me an iv, and starts the antibiotics. I fall asleep again and wake up to the sun shining through the curtains. Sol looks up at me as I start moving around.


I freeze and look around the room before looking back down at Sol. Not believing that she actually said it, I continue getting up and stretching. I place Sol on the bed, so I can put my socks on.


I freeze again. I look at Sol again and see her crawling, so I grab her so she doesnt fall and just watch her as she looks around.

Sol: Momma.

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