We Should

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Corey: So what is the actual game plan? We have just been sitting here chatting for a good hour and a half...

We all laugh a little.

Elton: Well, we have the Ouija board. And you guys brought your ghost hunting equipment?

He motions towards Corey, Sam, and Colby.

Elton: And Y/N brought her Polaroid. Aaaaaaand.... I dunno I think that's it other than to just not die.

He laughs nervously.

Elton: So what should we do first? I know the Ouija usually spooks us all out pretty bad so I don't know if you guys want to do that first or last.

Sam: Well Colby and I only brought the spirit box, which is in my opinion just as terrifying as the Ouija board. So I don't really care either way.

Heath: God I'm getting such weird vibes from this place.

I walk over to Heath and hand him my Polaroid.

Y/N: Heath could you take a picture of me really quick? I swear there is something around me right now. I have goosebumps all over.

I show everyone my arms where my hair is standing straight up and goosebumps cover me. Heath snaps the pic blinding me temporarily and in the flash, I swear I see a demonic face. I gasp and fall backwards. Elton runs to my side.

Elton: Y/N? What happened? Are you okay?

I sit in shock for a moment before looking around at everyone with tears in my eyes.

Y/N: I really don't think we should be here.

Sam: What do you mean? What even happened?

Y/N: When Heath snapped the picture my whole vision just went to a flash of white but in that flash of white I saw this twisted dark demonic face. It looked like it was screaming or something.

My words slip out of my lips strangely calm. Everyone is looking at me as if I'm insane.

Y/N: What?

Heath: Y/N are you feeling alright?

Y/N: What do you mean?

Elton grabs my face to make me look at him.

Elton: Y/N?

Y/N: What?!

Elton: Baby you gotta talk to me. You're freaking me out.

I give the most confused look I could muster.

Y/N: I am talking to you!

Heath: Guys look at her. Her eyes. She looks so angry.

I get frustrated and stand up. Elton jumps back as if he's scared of me. I walk over to my bag and pull out a pen and a pad of paper.

Y/N: I am talking you dumb fucks!

I show them the paper and they read it.

Colby: No, you aren't. Y/N you're just looking at us with a fiery angry look in your eyes.

I pause. I put my fingers to my lips as I speak.

Y/N: I am talking...

I step back as I realize my lips don't move. I look to Elton scared. I write another note.

Y/N: When Heath took the picture the flash made my vision go all white. In that whiteness I saw a dark twisted demonic looking face. Why can't I talk?!

Elton looks me over with concern.

Elton: Her eyes are going glassy.

This I knew. My vision was going blurry.  Tears clouded my vision even more.

Y/N: Guys. I'm really fucking scared.

Elton hugs me and my head starts pounding. I put my hands on my head and bend over. This pain is the worst I've ever felt.

Sam: Guys maybe we shouldn't have done this.

I start to feel something run down my face from my nose, and put my finger to it and look. Blood.

Corey: Bro her nose is bleeding!

Elton stands there in shock.

Elton: Baby...

I fall completely to the floor as a burning sensation flows through my body.

Heath: I don't understand. We haven't even used any of the equipment yet!

Corey: Guys I've seen this before but it's been a long time. I think she's getting possessed.

Elton looks to Corey.

Elton: Getting? Isn't it either you are or you aren't?

Corey: Not if you're strong enough to fight it. Which she obviously is.

I dig my nails and fingers into the dirt and feel something hard just an inch or two under. I grab it and pull it out. I scream at the sight.

Switch to Elton's POV

Y/N pulls a stick out of the dirt and screams. I look at her confused and run to her side.

Elton: Y/N! What's wrong baby?! I'm here.

I try to hand her the pad of paper and pen but she's just screaming and cowering into the corner. Sam, Colby, and Heath all look at each other not knowing what to do. Corey is seemingly researching something on his phone.

Elton: Baby! Write down what you need us to do!

Back to original POV

I scream as I pull out a human bone from the ground. Elton and everyone looks at me worried and confused, as if they don't see what I see.

Elton: Y/N! What's wrong baby?! I'm here.

As he says that his face morphs from that of my handsome husband, to a half rotted, zombie-like version of Elton's face. I scream and scoot back against the wall of the bridge. He keeps reaching towards me but I keep trying to back away.


The image of the face flashes in my eyes again and I close my eyes tight trying to never see the face again.

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