The Day

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I am officially eight months pregnant. The doctor said since it is twins, we would probably do a cesarean soon after the eight month mark, if my water doesnt break sooner.


Jake: Jesus Y/N youre the size of a boat.

I sigh at Jakes words as I sit down at the table at Olive Garden with Sam, Colby, Corey, and Jake. I let my head somewhat slam onto the table as I grunt.

Y/N: Im aware Jake.

Elton tries to say something without me hearing it, but doesnt succeed.

Elton: Shes a little grumpy. Be nice.

Y/N: Of course im grumpy. Im the size of a fucking boat.

Sam: I dont think youre the size of a boat, Y/N.

I let my head hit the table again as a spasm goes through my abs and back.

Y/N: Ow fuck.

I squeeze Eltons thigh and he looks at me worried.

Elton: Whats wrong?

Y/N: Just had a spasm through my back. No worries. Sorry for probably bruising your leg.

Elton: Dont apologize to me.

He rubs my lower back as we order our food and drinks and continue chatting with everyone. The drinks and food come soon, and we all start eating as another spasm shoots through my lower torso making me grunt.

Sam: Y/N? Whats wrong?

Y/N: I keep having these spasms.

Corey: Where?

Y/N: My lower stomach and back.

Jake: I mean im no doctor but couldnt those be contractions?

I can feel the color draining from both mine and Eltons face, as I take another bite of my pasta.

Y/N: If it is im sure its just braxton-hicks. My water hasnt broken, so.

All the guys, including Elton, nod. Although they all look unsure. We continue eating and the spasms continue but I try to hide them as much as I possibly can. We go outside and sit by our cars to chat a little while, before I go back inside to go to the bathroom. Thats when it happened. Its not like the movies at all. They show like a giant gush of water. Its more like a slow leak... Very unpleasant. I go back outside after I've dealt with myself and wait until the guys are done with their conversation.

Colby: Whats up, Y/N?

Just before I answer I have another contraction. I speak through gritted teeth.

Y/N: I think its time to go to the hospital.

Elton: What? Seriously?!

Y/N: No, I'm pranking you lets just go home.

I grab Eltons shoulder and squeeze through the contraction, making him fall to his knees from the pain.

Corey: Jesus Y/N youre gonna break his shoulder!

I give Corey a death glare as Elton tries to save his life.

Elton: Its my fault! I asked a stupid question!

He runs to the car as does the boys to their car to meet us there, and he lets me in before getting in himself and starting the drive to the hospital.

Y/N: Good thing we already- OW FRICK

I breathe through another contraction as Elton drives faster to the hospital. I pull my phone out and call the hospital so they are ready for us, having to pause for a contraction halfway through. Luckily they knew exactly what was happening and not annoying about it.

Y/N: Okay, they know we're coming.

We reach the hospital quickly, and Elton grabs me a wheelchair and wheels me in as im screaming from another contraction. A nurse takes me from Elton and starts wheeling me to my room, while asking Elton how long I've been having contractions for and how far apart they are. To my surprise, he has actually been keeping track, which is why hes been so quiet the way to the hospital.

Elton: 11 minutes apart, and they started about an hour and a half ago.

I get changed in a hospital gown and into the bed, and the doctor comes in to examine me.

Doctor: Alright, well, you are 6 centimeters dilated, but... Since you are having twins I would recommend a cesarean. Natural birth could work well for the first, but the second baby could get hurt. Its up to the both of you. Ill give you a minute to decide.

The doctor steps out, and I look to Elton very frightened.

Elton: Its an easy decision.

Y/N: I know. I dont want either of them hurt but Im scared.

Elton: Youll be okay. Youve has surgery before.

Y/N: But I wasnt awake for it.

Elton: I'll be right by your side through it all. Okay?

I nod, still frightened. We tell the doctor our decision, but ask him for a favor before it happens.

Y/N: Could I say hi to my friends before?

Doctor: Of course. We'll be back in thirty minutes to prep you.

Elton goes and grabs the guys, and they all walk in with flowers and various stuffed animals.

Y/N: Ya'll are adorable. Thank you.

Jake: So your having a cesarean?

Y/N: Yeah...

Colby: You sound scared...

Y/N: I am.

Jake: It'll be okay, Y/N. Youve gone through surgery before.

I get another contraction, so Elton explains for me while holding my hand.

Elton: Shes scared cause shes never had to be awake during a surgery before.

I nod and breathe as the contraction subsides.

Corey: Itll be okay, Y/N. When youre done, we'll all come and help you in any way you need.

Elton: Well you'll need to spend time with Devyn too, Corey.

Corey: Yeah, about that...

Y/N: Oh no... Corey im so sorry...

Corey: It was for the best. It just wasnt working.

Jake: I didnt know you two split up... Im so sorry bro.

Elton: Yeah, me too Cor. Really sorry.

Everyone but me hugs Corey, and then doctor comes back in.

Doctor: Sorry, but its time.

I say goodbye to everyone they give me an epidural, that makes me shiver uncontrollably. They take me to the operation room, pull the gown up over my tummy, set the view blocker up, get Elton smocked up, and start putting iodine on my stomach.

Doctor: Alright Y/N. Before I make the incision, I want to warn you about the sound. We could give you headphones with some music playing if youd like.

Y/N: Uh yeah. I want those.

Elton: Do you have some for me too?

They all laugh and hand us both headphones, that are playing calm music. Elton bends down and holds my hand as they make the incision, just looking into my eyes and kissing my hands. I cry slightly, seriously frightened of whats happening.

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