"Rebuild" Is a Very Dramatic Word

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Contractor: Well, Mr. And Mrs. Castee, your house is technically unsafe to live in until we fix this.

Elton: What? Its just a crack in the dry wall!

Contractor: Technically, no. The drywall cracked because the support beams moved and got displaced.

Y/N: Fuck.

Elton: How much is it going to be to fix it? And how long is it gonna take.

Contractor: About fifteen thousand.

I feel as if the air got knocked out of me and I go and sit on the couch with my hand on my tummy.

Contractor: And it will take a good month to repair.

Y/N: So a month that we cant live here?

Contractor: Yes, ma'am.

Y/N: Elton, can you set this up while I go pack some of my stuff that I'll want with us?

Elton nods as I walk upstairs cautiously. When I get into our bedroom I can see where the support beam was misplaced. Theres a total dip in the flooring. I walk carefully around it and grab my suitcase and put some clothes that actually for inside, and grab my pregnancy pillow that I seem to not be able to sleep without. I walk back downstairs with my items and lay face down on the couch as the contractor leaves. The couch dips beside me and a hand rubs my back.

Elton: Its fine babe.

Y/N: Is it? How can we even afford that?

Elton: I have a few videos im working on that should be able to cover it.

Y/N: Plus the hotel costs?

Elton: Well, I figured Jason would let us stay with him again. Or Heath.

I nod and sigh.

Elton: Jeez babe, your back is super stiff...

He starts massaging it harder to try to get the knots out.

Y/N: Yeah i know.

Elton: How are you even laying on your stomach right now?

Y/N: My stomach is in between the cushions so it has enough room.

He snorts a laugh at me and continues rubbing my back.

Y/N: Youre so good at that. But you should probably go get your things together so we can just get going. Be careful in the bedroom, though. Theres a dip in the floor where the beam was.

He nods, slaps my ass, and goes upstairs. While hes packing he hollars down to me.

Elton: Hey, babe?

Y/N: Yeah?

Elton: So who would you rather stay with, Heath or Jason?

Y/N: Uh I dont know. The only problem I see with Jason is that Todd is there and I dont really want to be kept up with his shenanigans.

Elton: Yeah, thats what I was thinking too, to be honest.

Elton then comes down with a few bags for his clothes, camera gear, and computer stuff.

Y/N: Got everything?

Elton: As far as I know. Not like we can't come back if we did forget something, too.

I nod.

Y/N: Yeah. Alright so is Heath aware of us coming?

Elton: Yup I called him while I was packing and he said its all good. He has the guest room at his place all set up for us.

Y/N: How sweet.

We get to the car and Elton takes my luggage and puts it into the trunk for me, and then goes to open the drivers side door for me?

Y/N: Would you mind driving for me? Im really tired. Might take a nap since its a bit of a drive.

Elton: Not at all, babe.

He walks around to the passenger side with me, opens my door, then gets in himself and starts the car and starts driving to Heaths. I lay my seat back and Elton holds my hand as I let sleep overtake my mind and body.

Time Skip

By the time I wake up we are pulling into Heaths driveway. The smell of burgers and fries fills my nose and I look to the middle console to see a couple In-N-Out bags.

Y/N: Food.

Elton looks over to me shocked, not knowing I was awake, before laughing at my focus on the bag.

Elton: Can you wait until we get inside so Heath can have his too?

I nod and get out of the car, grab my bags and walk to Heaths door. I go to knock but the door opens just as I do.

Heath: Hey guys! You brought food?! Damn I feel special! You good, Y/N? You look like you havent slept in a week.

Y/N: I just woke up from a nap.

Heath: Oh, okay.

He leads us to his living room where we all dig into the food.

Heath: So how long is it gonna take for you guys to rebuild?

Elton and I look at eachother strangely.

Elton: Rebuild?

Heath: Yeah, rebuild your place.

Y/N: Rebuild is a very dramatic word for repairing the house.

Heath: Well you know what I mean.

Elton: Its gonna take about a month. We can get a hotel eventually if you want.

Heath: No, no. Please stay as long as you want, I'm all alone in this big ol' house most of the time so please keep me company.

He laughs, stands up, and motions for us to follow. Elton and I do so and he leads us to the spare bedroom.

Heath: This is your guys' room. There is a walk in closet, and attatched bathroom.

Elton: Wow, this is really nice. Thanks Heath!

Heath: Yeah, of course! If you need anything dont be afraid to ask.

He walks out, and then comes back quickly with both of our bags.

Heath: Heres your stuff, welcome home!

Y/N: Damn there is better service here than there is at a nice hotel. Thanks Heath.

We all laugh and I start unpacking my clothes and pregnancy stuff, and Elton does the same with his clothes and film equipment.

Heath: Damn, Elton. I didnt know you had this much film equipment.

Elton: I didnt but Y/N kept buying me stuff. I told her to buy stuff for the nursery or something but here we are with lots of filming stuff and no nursery.

Y/N: We can do the nursery when theyre done fixing the house. This film stuff is what allows us to have the house and the soon to be nursery.

Heath: Yeah, thats true. The more production value means more views means more revenue.

Y/N: Exactly. Priorities.

Elton rolls his eyes as he sets his laptop on the desk.

Elton: Well, I'm buying you something next just so you know.

Y/N: Okay. Can it be some apples and some chocolate? Cause I'm really craving those.

Elton: I'll get you those, plus some. Be back soon.

He jogs out the door and out to the car to get my cravings and Heath goes to the back yard to swim a few laps. I take a nap and wait for Elton to return.

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