Elton's Birthday - 1

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Night before

Y/N: No Sam, you cant be around Elton until the party!

Sam: Why not???

Corey: I dont know, maybe because you ruined the surprise last time?!

Sam pouts as I drive to their apartment building to drop them off.

Y/N: See you guys tomorrow!

They wave as I begin to drive off.

Party Day

Today was the day. Im not letting anyone fuck it up this year. I wake up early, and run to Eltons favorite breakfast place and grab him his favorite meal. I stop by Starbucks and get his favorite coffee and run back home. I plate it all up and wake him up with it.

Y/N: Elton... Wake up...

Elton: Hmm?

Y/N: I got you something.

He opens his eyes and sees the breakfast and licks his lips.

Elton: That looks delicious!

His morning voice makes me giggle, and I place his coffee down next to his food. He instantly snags it up and takes a sip.

Elton: Holy fuck thats good.

Y/N: Happy birthday, babe.

Elton: Thank you!

I give him a quick kiss and walk towards the door.

Y/N: I'll be back in about 15 minutes, okay?

Elton: Okay. I love you!

Y/N: I love you too!

I run out to my car and get in quickly, driving to the nearest store with balloons. I run inside and buy six balloons. Two say Happy Birthday and the rest are just blue and black. I buy them, and quickly drive back home and set them up in the living room. Once finished I walk back into the bedroom to see Elton finished with his food, and asleep once again. I laugh quietly and clean up the mess, taking the dishes to the kitchen, and lay down next to him to cuddle for a while. He instantly wraps his arms around my torso and pulls me close.

Elton: Hi

Y/N: Hi. Did you like your breakfast?

Elton: I loved it.

Y/N: Good.

He somehow tightens his grip on me. We lay there cuddling for a while until a knock erupts from the front door. He grunts before releasing his death grip on me.

Y/N: Coming?

He gets up slowly and follows me downstairs lazily. I get to the door and open it to see Colby, Corey, and Sam.

Y/N: Hey guys! What are you all doing here?

Sam: We wanted to tell our uncle Elton happy birthday! We have a photo shoot in an hour but just wanted to stop in.

I step aside and let the boys in, and watch them shuffle to the sleepy boy on the couch.

Colby: Hey uncle Elton! Happy birthday!

Elton: Hey guys! Thanks!

Soon Jake lets himself with balloons that all say happy birthday, tied to a medium sized bear. I giggle at Elton AND Circas excitement. Elton holds the bear tightly as Circa tugs at a leg, trying to make it her new toy.

Elton: Mine, Circa! Thanks Jake. Its super cute.

Jake just giggles at how excited Elton was, and Corey hands him a card.

Elton: Whats this?

Corey: A gift. Open it.

He opens the envelope, and pulls out the card. The outside of the card reads, "To the best uncle anyone could have" and the inside says "Youre the best. Thanks for always being there for us." And all of the boys names are signed below. Elton sticks out his bottom lip in a pout and stands up to hug them. I smile and sneak away while he is distracted to grab one of his presents. Just something small. A new pair of cordless headphones that hes been wanting to get for forever now. I walk back to them to see them scrolling through Youtube on the TV.

Y/N: I know what to play. Here Elty, open this while im searching for it.

He takes the gift and starts unwrapping it as I look up the song im looking for. "We Love Our Friends" by Sam and Colby seems fitting for this moment.

Elton: Babe! You got them! These are to expensive! Thank you!

He hugs me as I click play and kiss him gently. They all yell and scream at the song im playing while lip syncing and dancing to it. Corey and Elton even went all the way to do the push up trick. Elton did his entire rap, Corey did his adlibs. It was very eventful. Elton pulled me up and made me dance with him. We all dance, laugh, and smile and just be goofs until the song ends.

Y/N: I hope you all know im gonna make sure that song plays at our wedding.

They all laugh. They think im joking. Im definitely not. I write a note in my phone so I dont forget to make sure the DJ we hire plays it, and start to get ready to go on a little lunch date picnic.

Y/N: Alright babe, wanna go on a lunch date picnic? Since they have a shoot to go to?

Elton: Sure! Anything I should bring?

Y/N: Just your handsome self

He smiles and we both say goodbye to the boys, before I go upstairs and find my picnic basket and the best picnic blanket I own. I go back downstairs and into the kitchen and Elton follows me in. I grab our favorite drinks out of the fridge and all of the picnic like foods.

Y/N: So, what kind of sandwich do you want?

Elton: What do we have?

Y/N: Ham, Turkey, Roast Beef...

Elton: Could I get one with all of the above?

Y/N: Of course! It is your birthday, after all.

Elton: Yay! And i want American AND cheddar. And dont forget the miracle whip and tomato!

Y/N: Okay. Im gonna make you two. Anything else? I feel like im working at a Subway.

Elton: Hmmm.... Nope I think thats good.

Y/N: Alright... Banana, grapes, blueberries, strawberries, black berries, raspberries..?

Elton: hmmmm

He looks at me with a smirk.

Y/N: You want me to bring them all, dont you?

He nods excitedly as I laugh and shove them into the basket. I grab chocolate dip for the strawberries and then pack two extra sandwiches while Elton isnt looking.

Y/N: Well this basket is filled to the brim. Ready to go?

Elton: Yep. Where are we picnicking?

Y/N: At the top of the hiking trail.

Elton: Youre willing to carry that heavy ass basket all the way up?

Y/N: I mean, yeah, but I was hoping you would help every now and then.

Elton: Of course I will, babe.

He opens the passenger side door to my car for me, and lets me in after I put the food in the back. I kiss him as I sit down.

Y/N: Thank you baby.

He drives to the trail and we park and get out. I open the back and grab the basket as the exact two voices I was hoping for came from behind us. I smirk. Everything is going as planned.

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