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It was the day after we returned from the Bahamas, when I woke up from one nightmare into another. The nightmare I was having? That a natural disaster happened and I couldnt Find Elton or my two kids anywhere. The nightmare I woke up into?


I wake up in a cold sweat to my bed shaking out from underneath me. The lamp on the bedside table falls and breaks, leaving me in the dark. I hear my phone also hit the ground, and I dive for it. Luckily finding it quickly, I struggle to crawl to my painting desk. I hide under it and get tossed around slightly. The whole ground feels like its rolling and many of our belongings are rolling around on the ground, many of them being broken. I can hear glass sliding around everywhere. I realize Elton and Circa arent even in here.


Waiting about thirty seconds without hearing a response but the earthquake still happening, I decide to brave it and try to find them. I use my phone's flashlight to see, and as I do one of my shoes slides by. I grab it, and slip it on quickly to prevent glass getting in at least one of my feet. I look around and see the other only a few feet away. I crawl towards it, getting cuts all over my hands and knees. I put the shoe on and use the bed to help stand up. I struggle to stay upright as I follow the wall, using it as support. I get out into the hall and yell again.


My sore ribs and swollen belly prevents me from walking to fast, but I walk towards the one and only place I could imagine them being, which is Eltons Office. I booty scootch painfully down the stairs and the shaking slows to the point where I can walk with little assistance. I finally get to Eltons office and open the door to see him huddled under his desk with Circa in his arms.

Elton: Y/N! Are you okay?! Why are you bleeding?!

I look at my knees and hands to see cuts from the glass and shrug it off.

Y/N: What the fuck was that?!

Elton: An earthquake.

My expression goes from shock to blank in a matter of seconds.

Y/N: ReAlLy?! I tHoUgHt It WaS a TsUnAmI

He laughs at me.

Elton: I dont know. That was the worst earthquake ive experienced while living in California.

Y/N: GREAT so does that mean the Santa Andreas fault is about to rupture or..?

Elton: All I know from Twitter is it was a 6.4 which is... Bad. They dont even know why this happened because we didnt have a foreshock.

Just at the end of his sentence another wave of shaking hits and he grabs me and pulls me and Circa under his desk. I scroll through my contacts and click on the groupchat.


Y/N: Is everyone okay?!

Corey: Me and Devyn are good, we're having an aftershock right now though.

Colby: I'm alright, got a good bruise on my ass though.

Jake: Reggie and I are good.

Sam: Kat and I are good.

Y/N: Jake? You hear from Tara?

Jake: Im on the phone with her right now, shes good.

Y/N: Alright. Me and Elton are okay too.

Back to Real Life

The shaking has finally stopped and I do some research on earthquakes on the couch in Eltons office. Elton is refusing to leave my side so he continues editing the video beside me on his laptop.

Y/N: We need to go get some food and water. For both us and Circa.

Elton: Why?

Y/N: You know how you were saying that the scientists didnt know why we didnt have a foreshock for this since it was such a big earthquake?

Elton: Yeah?

Y/N: I have a feeling this was the foreshock. We need to be prepared for something bad.

Elton realizes what I say is very likely and gets up, gets Circas leash on, and we get into the Tesla and drive to the nearest pet store.

Y/N: I have an outline of stuff to buy. They say to have at least two weeks of stuff to buy. Jesus... That could be expensive...

Elton: Dont worry about it. Its something we should have anyway.

Y/N: Ill pay you back for half.

We walk into the store with Circa to see the staff working tirelessly to clean up the mess the earthquake made. Elton hands me Circas leash and rushes over to help put things back on the shelves. As he is doing that, I grab a cart and walk over to the aisle where Circas favorite food is. I almost go to pick up a fifty pound bag when I remember my situation and I wait for Elton. A worker passes and sees me, and comes to help.

Worker: Which one are you needing?

I point to the large bag and back up slightly.

Y/N: That one, thank you so much.

Worker: Im surprised to see you two out so quickly after such a big earthquake.

He drops the bag in the cart.

Y/N: Well, you know how usually for such a big earthquake, there is a foreshock?

Worker: Yeah?

Y/N: Yeah, well, we didnt have one.

I see the worker putting two and two together and he goes slightly pale.

Worker: So that could have been the foreshock...

Y/N: Exactly. Id reccomend getting prepared. Let everyone you care about know.

Worker: Yeah, thanks.

Y/N: Thank you for the help.

We go our seperate ways and I grab a few of Circas favorite treats along with a specialized emergency kit for pets. I also grab the food Corey always get for their dog and check out as Eltons finished helping get things back in order.

Elton: Did you use my card?

Y/N: No I used mine. This one is on me.

Elton nods and scans over the items in the cart.

Elton: Who is this for?

He points to the extra dog food.

Y/N: Coreys dog.

He nods in understanding and pushes the cart out to the car, and loads it while I get in the car with Circa. As I sit I call Sam.

Sam: Hello?

Y/N: Hey, what are you and Kat doing right now?

Sam: Nothing. Waiting to see if another aftershock happens.

Y/N: Want to meet us at Costco?

Sam: Sure, why?

Y/N: Ill tell you when you get here.

Sam: Okay, bye.

Y/N: Bye.

Elton is in the car, starting it and heading towards Costco as I call Corey, Colby, Jake, Heath, and Scott as well.

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