House Warming

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Soon after Heath fired up the new grill, and put an array of meats on, people started showing up to our house. Music was soon blasting and alcohol was definitely being consumed. Zane was sloppily twerking on everyone in the building as Heath, Elton, Scott, Kristen, and I all chill outside. The burgers and hotdogs all get ready and soon everybody is suddenly in a line waiting for food. I sit down in a shaded seat and wait for the line to die down before getting my own food. David, Sam, Colby, Corey, and Jake all sit by me and start eating.

Corey: This is a really cool house warming party Y/N.

David: Yeah, this is super cool. Thanks for inviting me.

Y/N: How could I not invite THE David Dobrik?!

Everyone laughs as Elton comes and sits beside me in the seat I was saving.

Elton: Now after this we need to start getting on the wedding planning.

Y/N: Oof, I know. Im excited, but also not at the same time.

Sam: Why arent you excited?

Y/N: Planning a wedding is a pain in the ass. Its a lot of work.

Colby: Are you gonna be hiring a wedding planner?

I look to Elton because I honestly have no fucking clue.

Elton: Yeah, I dont see why not. Theyll make it easier to get a caterer and things like that.

I nod in agreeance to everything hes saying until Jake butts in.

Jake: So Elton, whos gonna be your best man?

Uh oh.

Sam: Yeah, wait, who is gonna be your best man?

Corey: Im also very curious about this.

Colby just shakes his head and scoffs at his friends.

Colby: No matter what we do he'll choose who he wants. Dont pressure them into stuff.

Elton: Yeah, thank you, Colby.

Jake: Kiss ass.

I spit out the drink I had just taken a sip of and start laughing. Jake saw right through Colbys plan. Colby sits there with an embarrassed smile on his face as everyone chuckles. Once everyone settles down Heath and Zane come and sit by us as well, Zane was still very obviously drunk.

Zane: Ssssupppp babes????

Y/N: Oh my goodness. How much have you had to drink so far, Zane?

Zane: Shut up! Im fine!

He slurs and leans against Heath who just shakes his head.

Y/N: Why arent you drinking, Heath? All of the food is done.

Heath: Ive quit drinking so much.

Elton: Why?

Heath: It doesnt look attractive when im making a complete fool of myself. I actually want to find a girl to be with.

Y/N: Thats sweet.

Heath looks to me with a sweet and heart warming smile, that honestly just makes me want to smile back. I dont know how he hasnt found someone yet.

Elton: So youre all coming to our wedding right?

David: Of course! It will be great vlog footage!

Everyone else nods and I roll my eyes at Dave.

Y/N: What if its no cameras allowed?

David: Well, wherever I go, my camera goes... So i might not be able to come.

I roll my eyes as he laughs at his own joke.

David: Nah im joking. Id still come.

Sam: You already know we're coming.

Jake, Corey, and Colby all nod in agreeance as I take my last bite of my burger. I turn to Elton and whisper into his ear.

Y/N: Im gonna go change into my swimsuit.

He nods and I give him a quick peck as I stand up. I walk upstairs to our bedroom and quickly change into a brand new, specially ordered just for me, Send It bikini. I love it so much. I walk back downstairs and instantly feel eyes on me. I have been working out a lot lately, so I'm in pretty damn good shape if I do say so myself. I quickly get outside to see Elton with his shirt off and already wearing his swim shorts, waiting for me while talking to one of his buddies. I lace my fingers with his as I join his side and his friend smiles at me.

Elton: Welp, I guess thats my cue. Time to go swimming!

Y/N: You can keep talking if you want. Sorry if I interrupted.

Elton: Nah it was just awkward small talk.

I jump into the pool unexpectedly, pulling Elton in with me. Everyone cheers and starts stripping their clothes to unveil their own swimsuits and start jumping in around us. I wrap my legs and arms around Elton and laugh as water is continually splashing us.

Elton: We're gonna drown!

He laughs as all of our friends are splashing us. I hide my face into his neck to be able to breathe a little, when im assuming Zane and Todd jump on top of us, making us fall and go under. They hold us under for a while, and I can feel my already weak lungs hurting. I open my eyes to see Elton looking at me. I tap Zanes hands to get him to let me up, which he luckily does. Todd lets Elton up too.

Y/N: Fuck I need to work on breathing excersizes or something.

Zane: You good, baby?

Y/N: Yeah I just suck at holding my breath.

Just then someone puts their hands over my eyes. I feel my body be turned around. The hands are removed to show me my fiance.

Y/N: Hi

Elton: Hi. I love you.

Y/N: I love you too.

He kisses me as Sam and Jake get into the pool.

Jake: Ewwww

I shake my head and turn to Elton again.

Y/N: so what was with putting your hands over my eyes?

Elton: I dont know. Bored?

I giggle and kiss him, as someone from inside the house screams. I immediately shoot from the pool and run inside, seeing Heath sitting on the kitchen floor holding his very clearly bleeding hand.

Elton: Oh my god, Heath what happened?! Holy shit. Oh my god.

Now, normally Elton is the first to stay calm in these types of situations. This time, not so much. I run to a nearby cabinet and grab a towel and run back to him and wrap it around the gash in his hand.

Y/N: What happened?

Heath: David tossed me a bottle and I went to catch it but it smashed before I did and it bounced up and into my hand as I was going down.

Y/N: Didnt David do the exact same thing like a year ago?

Heath: Yes. Ow fuck.

Y/N: Babe, can you hold pressure on this? Im gonna change super quick and then drive him to the emergency room.

Elton: Ill come too.

Y/N: No, someone needs to stay and entertain the guests.

I change quickly and get Heath into my car and drive him to the hospital. I feel bad about leaving Elton, but I didnt want to leave a huge drunken group of people in our house alone.

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