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Youre sitting in the living room watching some dumb reality show when Elton calls you from the garage.

Elton: Y/N!

You walk in and sit beside him on the couch.

Y/N: Yes?

Elton: I was wanting you to watch this with me before I posted it so I knew you liked it.

Y/N: Sounds great.

He adjusts the screen as he places the laptop on the table in front of both of you, and presses play. A cute lovey tune plays in the background as Elton does his intro.

Elton: Hey guys! Today I am here with Y/N because we have a little announcement.

You giggle, knowing what you said after this.

Y/N: We're pregnant!

Elton: What?! No! We are not pregnant. Dont think we are pregnant. We arent.

Y/N: No, we arent.

Elton: However... We are engaged!

Elton grabs your hand and holds it up to the camera to show the ring.

Elton: So most people go on to explain the evening but I actually recruited my good friends Sam, Colby, and Corey to film the day for us. So this is the day we got engaged.

The music gets louder as it cuts to a clip of you sleeping as he places the roses and card on the table beside you. Then a clip of Elton grabbing breakfast, and a clip that seemingly was filmed through the window of you two eating breakfast, and then opening your gifts. When the Limo arrived, and small clips of the hike. Clips of everyone being goofs at the ice cream shop. The footage Corey got of you two at the beach, and even a few parts that you didnt know were caught while on the pier. You were already crying when the music changed to an even cheesier song. It shows you walking up to the table, eating and joking around wirh eachother. It hard cuts to the moment. The camera shoots Sam as he turns the song on and hard pans to Elton getting on knee as you turn around and see him. The video was so professional looking and you had many tears sliding down your cheeks. Then it cuts back to you and Elton.

Elton: So yeah! That is our announcement. We're engaged! We hope you guys can be as happy for us as we are. And I want to give a huge thank you and shout out to Sam, Colby, and Corey for helping me make sure the day went smoothly. Their links will be in the description below. Go check them out.

He looks to you in the video and smiles and you smile back and kiss him. Thats where the video ends. You wipe your tears and hug him.

Elton: So you like it?

Y/N: I love it. Its so amazing.

Elton: Alright. All I have to do is make it public. Should we tell all of our friends first?

Y/N: Yeah, probably. If we dont they will probably get annoyed that we told the internet before them.

Elton: True. You mind face-timing Fitz and my parents before we go find anyone else?

Y/N: No, not at all.

You were nervous. You havent ever met Eltons parents, but how nice he says they are gives you hope. He dials up his mom on facetime and she answers quickly.

Elton: Hey mom!

Eltons Mom: Hey Elton! How are you doing?

Elton: Well, I wanted to tell you something. Is dad there?

Eltons Mom: Yeah, hold on.

His mom calls his dad over.

Elton:  You remember that girl I told you about?

Eltons Mom: Yeah. Gosh youve been with her for almost a year now, havent you? Maybe time to start shopping for rings?

Elton: Yeah thats what I called about. I already did!

He shows you and you hold up your hand to show the ring.

Eltons Mom: Oh my gosh! Elton are you serious?! This is so fantastic! Such a beauty! Oh, and the ring is nice too.

You laugh as she continues to shower both of you with well wishes and compliments. Elton eventually gets off the phone with them and calls Fitz, who also answers quickly.

Fitz: Hello?

Elton: Hey, bro. I wanted to tell you something.

Fitz: Whats up?

Elton: I kind of got engaged.

You show the ring and Fitz smiles and gasps.

Fitz: Damn, bro! Congrats!

They talk for a few minutes as you text Scotty and Heath to figure out if they can meet up with you guys soon. They agree to meet you at Starbucks, just thinking its to hangout. Once Elton gets off the phone you show him the texts and you both get up to get ready. You both get dresses quickly and head out. You get to the coffee shop and go inside, and hear Zane scream.

Zane: BABY!!!

You look and see him walking to hug you.

Y/N: Hey Zane!

He hugs Elton too, and you sit across from Scotty and Heath after ordering your drinks. Zane is sitting on the end of the table. You both decided to just chat until one of them noticed.

Heath: Whoa what the fuck?

Heath grabs your hand and looks at the ring.

Heath: Bro is this what I think it is?

Scott looks next, as well as Zane. Elton laughs and nod.

Heath: Oh my god, bro! Congratu-fucking-lations!

They all three hug you both.

Scotty: Thats fucking wild.

Zane: Im gonna be alone forever. Heath if we're both not married by the time we hit 40 can we get married?

Heath: Mmm sure baby, but I got Mariah so dont depend on that to much.

You all laugh.

Elton: So... Should I post it?

Y/N: I guess. I mean this is the closest people to us.

He pulls his phone out and makes the video public. You get an instant notification for the video.

Y/N: Well at least we know notifications are working.

Scotty: For once.

Now you just wait for the response from the fans.

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