Roller Coaster

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She grabs at my nose and I stare at her shocked. I look over to Eltons asleep figure.

Y/N: Elton.

He doesnt move.

Y/N: Elton!

He jumps up and looks to me and Sol.

Elton: Baby, whats wrong?

Y/N: She just said momma! She just said her first word! A-and she crawled! All by herself she crawled around!

Elton comes and sits beside us and takes her from me.

Elton: traitor. I thought we agreed you would say dada first.

I giggle and the nurse comes in.

Nurse: Everything okay?

Y/N: She just said momma! She said her first word!

Nurse: She must be feeling a bit better, then. I need to take her vitals, if thats okay.

I hold Sol as she takes her temperature and the rest of her vitals. As she does she decides to make awkward small talk.

Nurse: You know, I havent seen a kid this young come in with RSV in a while.

Elton: Oh. Huh.

Elton, knowing I hate small talk takes the responsibility off of my shoulders.

Elton: I didnt even know it was a thing until I found out Sol had it. Then Y/N told me that she had it when she was little too.

Nurse: Oh wow. How was your experience?

She turns the convo to me, making me curse everything around me internally.

Y/N: I almost died.

Nurse: Gosh... Well, im glad you didnt. Otherwise this little cutie wouldnt be here. Shes such a sweet little girl.

I smile

Y/N: Yeah. Shes the best.

Nurse: You have any other kids?

Y/N: Her brother. Leo. They're twins.

Nurse: Oh really? Wow. Where is he?

Elton: A friend of ours is taking care of him so he doesnt catch anything.

Nurse: Oh probably a good idea.

I nod.

Nurse: Alright, well, she isnt getting worse than yesterday. Thats a plus. Shes still about the same though, so its gonna be a few more days.

Elton and I both nod.

Elton: However long she needs to get better.

The nurse smiles towards us both and then leaves quietly for us to sit and wait for our little girl to get better.

Time Skip

Its been three days since Sol said her first word. Shes been mostly sleeping, her body fighting off the illness. Everyone has been coming to visit basically everyday. Corey and Heath both being here almost constantly. Heath was our food boy, always being ready and willing to grab whatever nourishments we needed. Corey would just sit beside Sol and hold her little hand. Reading to her, telling her our crazy TFIL stories. This little girl has such a big family of people that love her and her brother so much.

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