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Elton: Do you want me to drive?

Y/N: I guess. Makes more sense than me driving to something ive never been to before.

You lock up the bus and go to Eltons car. He unlocks and opens the door for you, makes sure youre in and closes it. He goes around and gets in and quickly starts the car.

Y/N: Thanks.

Elton: For what?

Y/N: For the door.

Elton: Oh. No problem.

He drives to a trail.

Y/N: Where does this lead to?

Elton: The Hollywood sign.

Y/N: Oooh! Did you know that the sign is apparently haunted from people jumping off and commiting suicide off of the H?

Elton: No... No I did not know that.

Y/N: Heh... I told you I like ghost stuff..

You awkwardly start walking up the trail. Elton jogs to catch up to you.

Elton: Can I tell you something I havent told anyone?

Y/N: Of course.

Elton: Im actually really afraid of paranormal stuff.

Y/N: Then why do you do it so much?

Elton: Well... A lot of reasons. It intrigues me just as much as it scares me... Sam and Colby always ask me to come to protect them. And it does well on Youtube.

Y/N: Can I tell you something?

Elton: Mhmm

Y/N: Im really terrified of paranormal stuff too.

Elton: You dont act like it.

Y/N: You dont either. But I always have been. I had some experiences when I was a kid that scared me really bad.

Elton: Like what?

Y/N: Do you remember seeing a paranormal movie where they go up into the attic and find a picture of one of the house owners that shouldnt exist?

Elton: Yeah?

Y/N: That happened. We went up into my attic at my old place and found a picture of my mom in front of a house that burned down, with the picture inside.

Elton: Are you serious?!

Y/N: Yeah... Some really creepy stuff happened in that place.

Elton: Whoa... By the way... I have a question about something you said earlier...

Y/N: Oh? Whats that?

Elton: While we were at the bridge and you got out the weapons... You were about to say something happened to you while you were roadtripping... I was curious... If you were comfortable with talking about it if you would tell me what...

You stop walking and think.

Y/N: Um. Yeah. Yeah I'll tell you.

Elton: You dont have to if you're uncomfortable.

Y/N: No, no. Its fine. Just ignore it if i cry a little.

Elton gives you a worried look.

Y/N: So uh... It was only a few weeks into my road trip and I parked the bus a ways away from the gas station because there was no space and i was just running in for snacks. As i walked past an alley a...

You take a deep breath.

Y/N: A guy grabbed me and...

You start crying slightly.

Y/N: A guy raped me. He beat me up and then left me. When I finally felt like I could move again I ran to the bus and I locked myself in. I ran to the back, locked that door too and just bawled... Then i went to the hospital to make sure he didnt give me any life threatening diseases and to make sure I didnt get pregnant...

At this point tears were streaming down your face as you look down at your shoes. Elton grabbed your chin softly ans pulled your face up and wipes away your tears.

Elton: Its nothing to be ashamed of.

Elton gives you a long tight hug.

Y/N: For almost a week I stayed parked in a walmart parking lot because I couldnt decide if I wanted to go on with the trip. I didnt eat or anything. I seriously almost didnt keep going. I obviously did in the end but I almost didnt. I almost went home and just locked myself in my room and never left.

Elton: You didnt eat for a week?

Y/N: I didnt eat for like 2 weeks technically, but yeah. I didnt eat anything.

Elton: Why?

Y/N: I felt disgusting. I was over weight at the time too and it just all piled on top of eachother. Im glad I lost the weight but I wish I did it in a healthy matter. But im really glad i kept driving. I wouldnt have been able to meet you otherwise.

Elton smiles at you.

Elton: Im glad you kept driving too. Now come on. We have a overrated sign to see!

You laugh and follow him, not that you have a choice, he is dragging you by your hand. You guys get to a thin piece of trail that is right on the edge of a cliff. Elton is still pulling you quickly.

Y/N: Boi I am to clumsy for this you better let go or go slower. Otherwise we're both falling down this cliff.

You both laugh. He slows down but doesnt let go of your hand. You notice and blush slightly.

Elton: Sorry I just have so many things I want to show you and so little time!

He continues to pull you with him until you get to the sign. Well as close as you can get to the sign as possible, since there is a fence around it. He takes a picture of you by it and you take a picture of him by it. Then you take selfies together.

Y/N: This is awesome.

You take a moment to take in the view.

Y/N: Whats next?

Elton turns, grabs your hand again and starts walking downhill.

Elton: Im not gonna tell you that but lets go!

You laugh and follow, just purely enjoying your day.

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