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I wake up inside my finally unpacked house, with my love beside me and Circa in between us. I go to wrap my arm around Elton, but Circa pushes me away.

Elton: Circa I can cuddle both of you at the same time

She whines and scoots lower towards his feet to let me near him. He wraps both arms around my waist and pulls me as close as physically possible to him. I giggle as he burys his face into my neck.

Elton: You smell good

I smell my shirt and all I smell is Elton.

Y/N: Uh, sweetheart?

Elton: Hmm?

Y/N: I smell like you.

We both laugh.

Elton: I smell good.

Y/N: Agreed. So what are the plans today?

Elton: Its the housewarming party.

Y/N: Oh shit! Right! I totally spaced that off. Ugh we should probably get up and shower then.

Elton: I dont wanna. I wanna just sit here and cuddle you.

Y/N: Trust me id like that more than anything, but we dont have a lot of time to get up, get showered, have breakfast, and prep for the party.

Elton sighs and nods, sitting up soon after. He leans over and kisses my neck, right where he knows he shouldnt when we're short on time. I let out a deep breath and look at his smirking face.

Y/N: You evil-

He plummets his lips onto mine, shocking me at first, but I quickly relax into it.

Elton: What time is it?

Still kissing him, I grab my phone and look at the time. 8:00AM

Y/N: Oh gosh its way earlier than I thought it was.

Elton: How early?

Y/N: Its only 8!

Elton: Perfect

Oop time skip ya nasties

I finish cleaning the dishes from breakfast and Elton looks at my clothing.

Elton: Thats what you grabbed?

Y/N: It was the first thing I saw. Our clothes were strewn everywhere and I was to lazy to get normal clothes on.

There I am, in our kitchen, only wearing panties and Eltons t-shirt. Elton just shakes his head and chuckles and takes a picture.

Elton: I know what my new background is.

I roll my eyes as I walk upstairs and change into some shorts and one of Eltons Send It shirts. I walk back downstairs to see him sitting on the couch with Heath.

Heath: Baby that shirt is way to big for you.

Elton looks and smirks.

Elton: Thats because its mine

Y/N: Oops

I shrug and start setting out drinks and snacks.

Y/N: Babe, who is running the grill?

Elton: Uhh I dont-

Heath: I will!

Elton: Heath will.

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