I Do Part 2

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Heath: Are you ready to go?

Y/N: More than ready.

He holds his arm out and I take it, walking towards my soon to be husband. We get to the doors that are the only thing blocking me and Elton from eachother. We wait as the groomsman and brides maids walk out to their places. Then, the song starts. The doors open to reveal Heath and I, and my eyes lock onto Elton. Elton seems to do the same and I swear I can see tears in his eyes. All of our friends are standing around me as I walk down the aisle with Heath. Sam, Corey, Colby, Jake, Aaron, and Scott are all smiling towards me next to my Fiancé. We get right in front of Elton and the priest and I go to my side and Heath goes to beside Elton as well.

Elton: Holy fuck. You look gorgeous.

I smile and try not to tear up more than I already am and look Elton up and down. A classic Elton look. Suit top, black shorts, and vans.

Y/N: You look pretty amazing yourself.

The priest starts the spiel and I dont even hear anything for the longest time. I just stare at Elton and take him in. My husband. He is my husband. Well, almost.

Priest: ...They have written their own vows. We will have Elton read his first.

The priest hands Elton the microphone.

Elton: Oh fuck, okay.

Everyone laughs. He pulls a paper out of his pocket and unfolds it, and begins reading.

Elton: Y/N, we met in the most bizarre way. Somehow, I added you into Sam, Corey, Colby, and I's TFIL groupchat. And somehow even though you were a complete stranger, you were into the same stuff as we were. We met you that night, even though Corey was convinced you were a hacker murderer that was leading us to our doom. We met at the Suicide Bridge and I fell in love with you the second I saw you. You came in one of my Send It shirts and used the ouija board just because I asked even though you said on the groupchat that you would never use one. We spent the night, and I wake up to see myself holding you closely and cuddling you. You then let us sleep in your badass bus because we were to tired to drive home, and we shared your queen bed. From that moment on, I knew I needed you by my side for the rest of my life. We've hit a few bumps in the road. I was an idiot and had second thoughts at one point. But I quickly corrected my mistake and made sure that I didnt lose you. You are the only one I need to be with for the rest of my life. I love you always and forever.

At this point both Elton and I are crying. I pull my paper out and take the mic from Elton.

Y/N: Elton, we met in the most bizarre way. I was driving to a highly haunted place in California and all of the sudden my phone starts blowing up. I pulled over to a rest stop and looked at what was going on. I had somehow gotten added into a random groupchat by four numbers I didnt know. It went from there. We met at that haunted place that night and although I knew who you were, my knees almost buckled underneath me when I saw you. Everything about you wowed me. I think Colby noticed because he gave me a look that I could only describe as, "What the fuck is wrong with you? You good?".

I pause while everyone laughs.

Y/N: I went to shake your hand but you pulled me into a hug and I awkwardly hugged back. You then dropped the bomb that we were staying the night at this location and I go and gather my items while contemplating driving away from nervousness. I changed into my favorite shirt, which was one of your Send It line. We then proceeded to have one of the spookiest, and most fun nights ever. Corey elbowing me multiple times in his sleep, you cuddling up into me and me pretending I was asleep so I didnt embarrass you, Colby talking to someone in his sleep, and Sam stealing all of the blankets from Corey so many times and Corey had to try to steal mine. Ive had the most fun adventures with you and I cant imagine having them with anyone else. You truly saved me, Elton. I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

Everyone in the crowd says their "awws" and the priest continues his part. It quickly reaches the time to say our I Do's.

Priest: Do you, Elton Castee, take Y/N Y/L/N as your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health until death do you part?

Elton: I do.

Priest: And do you Y/N Y/L/N take Elton Castee as your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health until death do you part?

Y/N: I do.

Priest: Now with the power invested in me and the state of California I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride.

Elton and I smile at eachother and he grabs my face and kisses me passionately. Everyone around us start cheering and clapping.

Priest: I am proud to present to you for the first time ever, Mr. And Mrs. Elton Castee!

We turn to our friends and family and begin the walk down the aisle together. We walk out of sight and to a scenic view to meet our photographer with our brides maids and groomsman. That finishes rather quickly and we go to the reception and have our first dance. Elton and his mom dance together next and it is beautiful.

DJ: Time for the cake everybody!

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