Cobb Estate 2

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It's been three weeks since you all originally went to the Cobb estate. Now Sam and Colby want to go back to see the cave. You're out running errands and Elton asks if you can come.

Private chat with Elton

Elton: You still wanting to go to the cave tonight?

Y/N: Tell the boys I can't. I'm gonna get there a little early and hide so I can scare them lol

Elton: alright. I'll tell you when we get there.

Y/N: 👍

Switch back to IRL

You pull up to the estate and hide behind a tree and text Elton that you are there. Within five minutes they show up. You can tell they are shooting an intro so you take the opportunity. You run up to the car and bang on the passenger side window and scream and make them all scream. Including Elton. You start laughing super hard. They roll the window down and start telling you off.

Y/N: Oh my god you guys all screamed. Like everyone but Elton screamed like a little girl!

They glare at you and then finish the intro. They get out of the car and you run to your car and grab a cape just like Elton's and he has a new hat and another piece of faux fur on top of the fur coat, and cape.

Matt: You guys look ridiculous.

Y/N: What we don't look like couple goals?

Colby: I don't think so.

Elton: I think we do.

Elton kisses your cheek.

Y/N: You guys are just jealous that you don't have someone to wear a cape with.

Sam: I mean I have Kat.

Elton: But would she wear a cape with you?

Sam: No probably not..

You start walking up and Elton keeps asking random people if he looks cool.

Colby: Elton you are gonna be so hot by the time we get to the end of this hike.

Y/N: He already is hot, Colby.

They all "ooooh" and keep walking. The longer the walk goes, the thicker the forest surrounding you becomes.

Y/N: Why are we doing this at night?

Sam: We tried to get here earlier. Traffic was awful. Oh by the way, I have flashlights for everyone. Even one for you, Y/N, even though we didn't know you were actually going to come.

Y/N: Yay

You keep walking and get to a super thin trail that follows a cliff. Elton disappears suddenly.

Y/N: Elty?

Colby: Oh god Elton is actually gone right now.

Sam: Elton? Where are you?

He jumps out from behind a tree.


Everyone screams.

Y/N: Elton I have a hard enough time walking on normal ground, and you scare us on a thin ass cliff?!

Everyone laughs, knowing how clumsy you are.

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