What Goes Up

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I finally get Heath to the emergency room and inside, where they immediately take him back. They force me to stay in the waiting room since im not family. I call Elton.

Elton: Hello?

Y/N: Hey. Hes getting taken care of now. Im sorry for leaving you behind. I just didnt want a huge group of drunk people left alone in our new place. We just got it, I dont want it ruined already.

Elton: No, its okay. I understand.

Y/N: You sure?

Elton: Of course.

Y/N: Ill make it up to you when I get back. Okay?

Elton: Ooh. Im looking forward to it.

I can literally hear the smirk on his face right now.

Y/N: Good. How is the party going, anyway?

Elton: People are just chilling now. Everyone is kind of sobering up slowly but surely. Oh by the way, Todd fell into one of the blue lamps and broke it.

I sigh harshly.

Y/N: Of course he did.

I chuckle slightly.

Y/N: Next party we have, there should be no alcohol. I mean, we dont even drink it and here we are buying it for everyone else.

Elton: Yeah, but then no one would show up.

Y/N: Our friends would. I dunno. Anyway, I should go. He probably wont be much longer. I love you.

Elton: I love you too.

Both: Bye.

I hang up and sit down inside, going onto Pinterest to continue getting ideas for Eltons birthday party. He had no clue I was planning one, but Kristen has been helping me with it. Corey has too, and I wouldve asked the other guys, but they arent great with secrets. I smirk remembering last year when we tried to throw him a surprise party and Sam totally ruined it.


We were driving to Jasons and Todds place, where we were throwing Eltons surprise party. Corey, Aaron, and Jake were all already at the house.

Y/N: Its such a nice day out! I hope it will be like this for your birthday too, Elton!

Elton: Me too. Its such a perfect temp out right now. I love it.

Colby: So what are we doing now?

Elton: Going to Toddys place to hangout with everyone.

Sam: Oh shit! I forgot the gift!

I freeze. I turn to Sam with my eyes wide.

Elton: Gift?

None of the three of us say anything as I continue to stare down Sam with hatred.

Sam: U-uh yeah. I was uh- I was supposed to pick up your birthday present today from where I ordered it at.

Elton: Sam, youre a really bad liar.

At this point im rubbing my temples in frustration.

Elton: So, im assuming we're headed to my surprise birthday party?

I dont say anything. I took so much time out to make sure this party was perfect.

Colby: Uh... Yeah...

Sam: Im sorry for ruining the surprise Y/N. I really didnt mean to. Just slipped out.

I sigh.

Y/N: I know. Its okay.

I'm not that mad, but I am definitely bummed.

Y/N: Can you at least act surprised when we get there? Please?

Elton: Of course.

He grabs my hand and continues driving.

End of flashback

As I look up from my phone Heath walks out into the waiting room with his gauze wrapped hand.

Heath: I had to get stitches.

He pouts as he talks with a baby voice. I respond the same way.

Y/N: Im sowwy. You wanna go back to the house wittle baby?

He nods and hums while still sticking his lower lip out.

Y/N: You know what?

Heath: What?

Y/N: Just for you being so good today I'll buy you a milkshake.

I laugh as his eyes light up. He is seriously a kid at heart.

Heath: Yes!

I stop at the first place with a milkshake thats on the way, ordering him one.

Heath: You arent gonna get one?

Y/N: Nah im good. I'll eat whatever is left at the house if theres anything.

I pay for the milkshake and continue driving home. We get there within 15 minutes and walk inside. I scan the room, looking for Elton. I spot him outside through the sliding glass door, and immediately speed walk to him. I snake my arms around him from behind and take in his calming scent.

Elton: Hi baby.

Y/N: Hi. I missed you.

Elton: I missed you to. Can you loosen your grip so I can turn around and kiss you.

I do so, and he turns around quickly and gives me a passionate kiss.

Y/N: If thats what I get whenever I come back, I should go out more often.

I giggle as he smirks at me and kisses my lips again softly.

Y/N: I see a lot of people left already.

Elton: Yeah well we ran out of alcohol so they went to go find somewhere else that has some.

Y/N: Lovely.

He hums in response as a pair of arms lift me up and spin me around before throwing my into the pool, but not quite enough since my head slammed into the cement. I sink for a while, stunned, until I come back to me senses and swim up quickly remembering my phone in my pocket.

Y/N: Who the fuck was that?! My phone! Shit shit shit shit

Everyone is just kind of staring at me.

Y/N: What?

I put my hand up to the seemingly large bump on my head and retract it at the instant shoot of pain.

Y/N: Owwy

I look at my hand to see blood. Not a lot, but enough for me to know the impact broke skin. Now, normally blood doesnt bother me. But today? Two times in a row? And its my blood? Oh, no. This fucked me up. I instantly feel dizzy and my adrenalin is clearly worn off. A pounding pain goes through my head and my vision starts fading as I feel two pairs of hands pulling me out of the pool.

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