Must Come Down

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God dammit. The hospital. Again.

I open my eyes slowly, to let them adjust. I look around to see no one in my room.

Y/N: Hello?

No answer, obviously. No one is in here. I stand up and grab the trolley, using it as support as I walk towards the door. I reach back to make sure the hospital gown is covering me, and once I know it is I open the door.

Y/N: Hello?

The hallway is busy, and not much of anyone is paying attention to me. I look around and spot a waiting area, and head towards that, not before making sure I memorize my room number. Lucky enough for me, there Elton and Heath were. Both sleeping, of course. I sit in the seat beside Elton and slump down, getting comfortable myself. I pretty quickly fall asleep, just to be woken up by some nurse.


I sit up and realize theyre probably talking about me. I look around to see Elton and Heath both looking at me.

Y/N: What?

Elton: Why arent you in your room?

Y/N: I wanted to be with you.

Elton: The doctor wouldnt let me be with you. Some new policy about if we arent actually married then im not allowed.

Y/N: Thats some bull shit.

The nurses are all running around like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off until one rushes past the waiting room, then quickly backs up and looks in, seeing me and taking a sigh of relief. I wave.

Nurse: I found her!

She walks in.

Nurse: Why arent you in your room?! You know how much of a scare you gave us?!

Y/N: Why didnt you guys let my fiance in?

Nurse: Well-

Y/N: No. I want my fiance in the room with me. And my friend, Heath.

She just nods and lets them follow us to my room and they immediately check my vitals to make sure I was okay.

Doctor: Blood pressure is a little low... How are you feeling?

Y/N: A bit dizzy. Slight headache.

Doctor: Yeah, thats to be expected.

Y/N: Do you know when Ill be able to leave?

Doctor: Within the next 24 hours. We just want to make sure youre okay.

I nod and look over to Elton and Heath.

Y/N: So who threw me?

Heath: Todd. He sent his most sincere drunk apologies.

Y/N: Im sure he did. Im guessing everyone left after it happened?

Elton: Yeah except Sam and Colby. Theyre cleaning up.

Y/N: Thats nice of them.

I look to see Heath nervously bouncing his leg.

Y/N: You okay Heath?

Heath: Not really...

Elton: Whats wrong?

Heath: I need to talk to you guys.

Y/N: Well now is the perfect time. Whats up?

Heath: I dont think I can be your best man, Elton.

Elton: What? Why?

Heath: Uhh... Ahem... I-...

Y/N: Heath?

Heath: Im in love with you, Y/N.

Me and Elton both sit there shocked.

Y/N: W... What?

Elton: Youre in love with her?

Elton points to me.

Heath: Yeah...

Y/N: Why?

Heath: Well-

Elton: Dont tell us why, I know why. Thats not the point. Were you planning on taking action on those feelings?

Heath: N-no! Of course not! I wouldnt do that to you.

Elton: Then why cant you be my best man?

Heath: Im just not sure if I can do it.

Elton: Please? Id really like you to be up there with me. Especially now.

Heath: Especially now?

Elton: Yeah.

Y/N: It takes a lot of guts to admit your feelings for your friends fiance.

Heath: Do you guys mind if I dont hang around you for a while then? Just to try and get a rid of the feelings?

Y/N: Whatever you need.

The doctor then comes in with his clip board.

Doctor: Uh I have test results back. Im gonna have to ask you two to step out.

Y/N: Elton can stay.

Heath steps out as the doctor flips around in some notes.

Doctor: Well everything looks great with your injury, but there is one thing I need to let you know.

Elton: What is it?

I take a sip of water in anticipation.

Doctor: Did you know you're pregnant?

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