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You sit at the table at Starbucks with Elton, Scotty, Heath, and Zane as you start getting hundreds of notifications.

Wait a second... I've been here before...

You pick up your phone and start reading through the notifications. They were all reactions to the engagement video Elton posted.

Okay... Guess I will take a look see.

You unlock your phone and look through many of them. To your surprise most of them are positive. Only a couple were upset that "their elty" was off the market. You scoff and set your phone down.

Scott: You okay, Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah was just reading through the reactions of the video. Most of them are surprisingly positive.

Scott: Yeah, the internet pretty cool. I'm really happy for you guys.

Y/N: Thanks, Scott.

You hangout with everyone for about a half an hour longer before leaving and heading back home. While in the car you receive a call from a number you don't recognize and you answer.

Y/N: Hello?

???: Yes, this is Phil from (your home towns coroners office). Is this Y/N Y/L/N?

Y/N: This is she.

You take a deep breath and prepare for what you are about to hear.

Phil: Hello, miss Y/L/N. I am calling to give you the unfortunate news that your father has passed. We are so sorry for your loss.

Y/N: Okay. Thank you for letting me know. Goodbye.

You hang up the phone and rest it under your leg. Elton places his hand on your thigh as he drives.

Elton: Everything okay?

Y/N: No uh... My father passed away...

Elton: What?

He pulls the car into a gas station and parks. He pulls you into a hug. You allow tears to escape as you cannot hold the anger towards your father inside anymore. He did some bad things but he was still your dad. You still loved him.

Elton: Baby... I'm so sorry...

Y/N: Its okay... I think I know why this all happened now.

Elton: What do you mean?

Y/N: It doesn't matter. I- I just had to forgive him. That's all...

He gives you a rather confused look but hugs you again as you cry from the loss of your father.

Y/N: I didn't even get to tell him I was engaged...

Elton: Do you think he would've liked me?

Y/N: Not gonna lie, he didn't like anyone I ever brought home. Protective father kind of stuff. I would hope so, though. Anyway, lets go home.

Elton doesn't let go of your hand the rest of the way home. Elton's phone rings and Corey's photo is on the screen. He puts it on speaker.

Elton: Hello?

Corey: Bro, there was just a huge crash just a few cars in front of us!

Elton: Seriously? Are you guys okay?

Corey: Yeah. I'm with Jake, Sam, and Colby. It was bad though, bro. This girls arm is hanging on by a thread and her fiancé hit his head pretty hard but he's alright. Mind if we come chill at your place? I think we're a little shaken up from it.

Elton: Yeah, of course. Come on over.

The boys arrive shortly after and show you both photos of the crash. Everything looked the same as it did when you were in it. As confused as you are about why you got this second chance, you're grateful. You learned to forgive the past and just look to the future. You walk out into the now dark back yard and look up to the sky.

Y/N: Thank you...

Just as you finish speaking you see a star shoot across the sky. You have never been a very spiritual person, but these events definitely woke you up to there being something beyond. You sit out for a couple hours. You smile as Elton wraps his arms and a blanket around you from behind. You turn to him and kiss him softly.

Y/N: I'm so glad I have you.

Elton: The feelings are mutual... I made you something.

He covers your eyes and leads you by the hand into the living room.

Elton: Now... Open.

You open your eyes to see a blanket fort with pixie lights strung through and the mattress inside. You tear up from how sweet it is.

Y/N: Babe...

You hug him tightly.

Elton: I figured we could sleep in here tonight. Circa already made herself comfortable and I made it so we could see the TV that way we could watch a movie together... I wish I could take all of the credit but the guys helped me.

Y/N: I love it... I love you. Don't let me forget to thank them.

Elton: I love you too. Now lets get in there I wanna cuddle!

You laugh and crawl in behind him and he pulls you into him gently, being careful to not hurt your almost healed shoulder. He buries his face into your neck and kisses it gently.

Y/N: How did I get so lucky?

Elton: I'm the lucky one here.

You scoot down so you're eye level with him and cuddle into him.

Thank you...

((A/N - I know this is a shorter filler chapter but I couldn't figure out how to wrap up this whole second chance thing. Hope you enjoyed!))

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