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Eventually I got released from the hospital, and was able to get a flight to get home. We finally land at LAX and get off and grab our luggage. Well, the guys grab mine because of how much pain im in. I told them I could do it, but the refused to let me. We get to Coreys car that all of them but Heath came in.

Corey: Thanks for letting us crash your honeymoon. Sorry it ended the way it did.

Y/N: That wasnt your guys' fault.

Sam: We still feel bad.

Elton: Well dont. That could have just easily happened if you guys werent there.

We say our goodbyes and Sam, Colby, Jake, and Corey get into Coreys car and drive off. We next find Heaths car, and quickly wave goodbye and head to ours. We toss our bags in the trunk and Elton drives to Scottys to pick up Circa, then back to the house. Elton refuses to let me help bring the bags in and I just lay gently down onto the couch face down.

Elton: Alright, bags are all in. Babe? You good?

Y/N: Yeah, just tired.

Elton laughs slightly, picks me up and carries me to the bed where he cuddles me sweetly.

Elton: Im sorry you got hurt.

Y/N: Im sorry I didnt beat his ass

Elton laughs again, making me laugh as well, which also makes me cringe in pain.

Y/N: I shouldve beat his ass.

Elton: I think I should have beat his ass.

Y/N: Someone should have beat his ass.

Elton: Yes.

We lay there comfortably for a moment when a notification comes on my phone from the Sam and Colby channel. I swipe it off and make a mental note to watch it later. About ten minutes later, my phone starts blowing up. I almost immediately know why.

Y/N: They did not...

I grab my phone and see hundreds of tweets asking I was pregnant. Eltons phone blows up too, and he sees the same thing.

Elton and Y/N: Im gonna kill them.


Elton: So, Guys...

Y/N: Anything youd like to tell us?

Sam: What do you mean?

Colby: ???

Y/N: Colby we need to have a little chat 🙂

Corey: Why is that smiley face so frightening?

Jake: Because youre scared of everything bröther.

Corey: Well thats rude.

Colby: Oh no.

Elton: Yeah, oh no.

Colby: I totally forgot.

Y/N: Yeah, yeah you did. 🙂

Corey: Stop sending that face its scaring me

Elton: Colby, we're coming over. K?

Colby: 👀 ok

Sam: Ill be there too to watch this

Jake: Same

Corey: ^^^

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