The Big One

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Waking up in our house was very normal for me. I was very content and used to my surroundings. Waking up in our house with close to ten other people here? Now that was a new experience.


I wake up to the sound of pots and pans rattling in the kitchen. I open my eyes expecting Elton to be gone, but to my surprise he is right beside me, cuddling into my arm. I giggle and kiss him gently, making his eyes flutter open.

Y/N: Morning, love.

Elton: Hey baby. How are you feeling?

I look down to my quite swollen tummy that seems to be doubling in size everyday.

Y/N: Like a beached whale.

He smiles, shakes his head, and kisses me again.

Elton: I smell bacon.

Y/N: So do I. Everyone must be awake already.

We both get up, get dressed, and head downstairs to see everyone lounging around waking up and Heath cooking everybody breakfast.

Elton: Morning everybody.

Sam: Morning, uncle Elton!

Everyone else says their goodmornings and I waddle over to Heath to see what he is cooking. Resting my chin on his shoulder I see eggs, bacon, and pancakes.

Heath: Hello there.

Y/N: Hi. That smells very good.

Heath: I would hope so. Go sit, its almost ready.

I nod and sit down at the dining table and scroll through twitter, reading the many messages of congrats from viewers and fellow content creators alike.

Y/N: Babe everyone is congratulating us!

Elton: For what?

Y/N: For our children...

Elton: Oh, right. Sorry I just woke up.

Heath brings breakfast to the overly crowded table and everyone starts dishing up after thanking him like a kindergarten class. I eat some eggs, bacon, pancakes, and toast, and start washing the dishes from the breakfast. I feel a hand on my shoulder softly pulling me away from the sink, and I look to see Jake.

Jake: Youre pregnant. You should be staying off of your feet, not doing the dishes.

Sam: Hey! Dont be sucking up to get more points towards godfather!

My eye twitches as the boys start argueing about who is going to be the godfather once again. I whisper to Elton.

Y/N: Do I have permission?

Elton: Permission for what?

Y/N: To kill them?

Elton: Yeah, sure, why not.

I sit up and wait a moment while they continue arguing.


Silence falls upon the room and everyone looks at me in shock.

Y/N: If you guys argue about being the godfather one more time im gonna make someone who isnt even part of this the godfather. Like Josh Peck or something.

Sam: Well that wouldnt be fair. He isnt here kissing your butt.

I make a very straight face and stare at Sam until he sits down and looks away from me.

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