Happy Boys

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Due to the C-Section and major loss of blood, the doctor wanted to keep me and the babies in the hospital for a few days just to make sure we're all okay. Its the day after the birth, and its time to tell Heath, Sam, Jake, Colby, and Corey they are all godfathers.


In comes Elton with the guys following closely behind. All with various coffee's and breakfast sandwhiches. They all sit around and begin eating.

Y/N: So, guys... We have something to tell you all.

Jake: Is it about the godfather thing?

Elton: Yes, its about the godfather thing.

Corey: Who is it who is it who is it?!

I laugh at all of their excitement.

Y/N: It is Heath.

Heath smile and everyone else pouts.

Elton: And Corey.

Coreys face brightens.

Y/N: And Jake.

Elton: And Sam.

Y/N: And Colby.

They all look around confused.

Sam: We're all godfathers?

Y/N: Mhmm.

They all laugh and clap, successfully waking up Sol and Leo. I stand up carefully, grab them and bring them to my bed with me to let them fall back to sleep.

Corey: You still havent told us their names.

Elton: Oh, right, that was the other thing. Her name...

He points to Sol.

Elton: ...Is Sol Nova Castee. His...

He points to Leo.

Elton: ... Is Leo Comett Jett Castee.

Corey: Wow those are very original names.

We both nod.

Y/N: Yeah. Sols initials are pretty cool, too.

They all think about it for a moment before heaths face looks like "😮".

Heath: SnC! Sam and Colby! Thats hilarious!

Sam: Stop that just happened to be like that, right?

Elton and I shake our heads.

Y/N: Well, kinda. We had our hearts set on Sol. And obviously her last name would be Castee. We noticed the S and C and figured it would be cute to use Nova so it would be a tribute to you guys.

Colby: Thats really sweet guys... Thank you so much.

Jake: What about Leo? Does his name have any secret meanings?

Elton: Well with little Leo we didnt have a cute little thing to do with yours and Coreys names like Sam and Colbys. So we took the first letter of each of your names to give him the first letter of each of his middle names. Comett and Jett.

Y/N: Sorry, Heath. We really couldnt figure out an H name that went with the names we already had chosen out.

Heath: Dont worry about it. Im happy being a godfather to these two beautiful babies.

Corey walks up to me and the two little humans in my arms and bends down to look at them.

Corey: Hey, you two... Listen closely. If you two ever need anything. Anything at all, you just ask Sam, Colby, Jake, Heath, or I. We wont let anything happen to you guys. Your mom and dad wont either, but we're your backup, okay?

Both babies coo at him as they watch him make silly faces towards them.

Y/N: I think they like you Aunty Cor.

Everyone laughs and then take turns holding each of them, with Elton right there to make sure everything is okay, of course. I fall asleep from pain meds while they are still holding the babies, and wake up in the middle of the night to see everyone but Elton gone and Elton asleep on the nursing chair that leans back beside my bed, holding my hand. Little Sol and Leo start cooing and fussing, which signals for me to get them fed and changed. I stand up slowly, and since slighty at the pain in my stomach and walk over to the two little cots with my babies inside. I bring both of my kiddos to my bed, feed them, burp them, and then bring them to the changing table and change them before putting them back in their swaddles and to bed.

Elton: You shouldve woken me up to help you.

Y/N: I dont think you can help me breastfeed, love.

Elton: Never know until you try.

Y/N: If I ever walk in on you trying to breastfeed either of our children imma slap you upside the head.

Elton: It was just a joke momma bear. Its okay.

I smile and turn towards Elton, who was very close to me.

Y/N: I know.

I give him a small kiss and walk back to my bed where I sit down carefully and move over to one side of the bed, while patting the other side to signal Elton to come cuddle. He does so, and buries his face in my neck, successfully tickling my neck making me giggle.

Elton: My beard is always gonna tickle you.

Y/N: And when I dont have stitches on my gut, I'll always tickle you back.

Elton: Glad you have stitches then.

Y/N: Rude

Elton kisses my neck softly and quickly falls asleep. He lightly snores and slightly tightens his grip on me, making me fall asleep as well.


Sam: Y/N. Elton. Wake up.

We both jump as our friend Sam shakes us awake.

Elton: What the fuck? What?

Sam: We brought you guys real not hospital food!

I sit up far to quickly for my current state and eye the platter of pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast with a side of syrup and bowl of fruit. I smile as the smell hits my nose. I pull the plate towards me and start eating and enjoying the fuck out of the IHop.

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