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The world is cruel. Youre never prepared for the things that are thrown your way. After the crash of the plane, we had to spend about four days in the hospital just to make sure they were all okay. Once they were released, we headed back home to LA and rescheduled the things they were going to do for TFIL. Once we got back and back into the rhythm of things, this was the last thing we expected to happen.


Waking up this morning was like any other. Getting dressed, and getting the babies up, changed, and fed. As I got Sol into her clothes, I realize how hot to the touch she is. I hold her close to me and hear her wheezing.

Y/N: Elton???

He comes in with Leo, who is holding bottle for himself.

Elton: Whats up?

Y/N: Somethings wrong with Sol.

He comes up and feels her forehead, which is burning hot.

Elton: Oh my gosh...

He grabs her from me and hands me Leo.

Elton: Whats going on with you my baby girl?

Y/N: Shes wheezing too.

He listens to her breathing, and gets a very concerned look on his face.

Elton: Im gonna call the doctor.

He brings her with him and grabs his phone and calls our pediatrician. I walk in as she answers, and he turns it onto speaker.

Dr. Falmer: This is Dr. Falmer.

Elton: Hi Doctor Falmer, this is Elton and Y/N Castee, we were calling about our daughter Sol.

Falmer: Oh, yes! Hi Mister and misses Castee. What seems to be the issue?

Elton: Sol is burning up and seems to be wheezing.

Falmer: Oh gosh, okay. Yeah, bring her in immediately. Ill open a spot up for her.

Elton: Okay, thank you so much.

We pack both kids up and get them into the car quickly and head to the office. We get there, and they almost immediately take us back into a room. Falmer comes in quickly.

Falmer: Hey guys. Lets see what is going on with you, little one.

She checks her tempurate first, and it reads at 102°.

Falmer: You really arent feeling well, are ya?

Elton and I share concerned looks as she continues checking her vitals.

Falmer: Heart rate and blood pressure is normal. Her breathing is very gravely though.

She pauses and then checks her apple watch, and then gasps.

Falmer: Oh no.

Y/N: What?

Falmer: I need to do a quick swab in her nose to make sure, but I have a feeling it may be RSV. If it is, I'm gonna need you two to take her straight to the hospital. Thats the best bet shes gonna have.

I grab Eltons hand as my heart starts racing.

Y/N: What do you mean by, "Best Bet"?

Falmer: RSV is a very scary virus. Its one of the top most fatal virus' toddlers can get.

Y/N: I know all that, I had it when I was little. I almost died.

Falmer: She seems to be pretty deep into it already. Not that youve done anything wrong, but it wasnt caught very fast.

She takes the nasal swab and takes it to the in house lab to be tested while we are still here.

Falmer: I need to warn you guys, that if this is RSV then you need to get Leo away from Sol as quickly as possible. You dont want both of them having it.

I nod, and go outside and call Kristen.

Kristen: Hello?

Y/N: Hey, Kristen. Are you busy?

Kristen: No, not at all just sitting at Starbucks. Why?

Y/N: Because Sol may have a scary virus and if she does, we need to get Leo away as soon as possible.

Kristen: Im on my way. Text me your location.

She hangs up and I immediately text her our location, and go back into the room.

Elton: Falmer said it would be about fifteen to twenty minutes.

I nod as I sit down.

Y/N: Kristen is on her way to pick up Leo.

He takes me hand and kisses it.

Elton: It will all be okay. Even if she does have RSV. It will be okay.

Y/N: Elton I dont think you understand. When i was very young I got this and I shouldnt have survived. My whole body shut down. I slept for four whole days with eating, drinking, going to the bathroom. My entire body shut down. I was essentially in a coma for four days. And then all of the sudden I woke up. That doesnt just happen. I dont know what happened, but whatever it was... Was a blessing. Obviously my story wasnt supposed to end there. But her... Shes so little still... She isnt even a year old yet.

Elton: In a month and a half she will be.

Y/N: Yeah. But she isnt.

I slouch down and try to stay calm as my phone buzzes.

Kristen: Im here.

I run Leo out to her with his stuff, and hand her my spare key to the house.

Y/N: If you need anything else that you dont have just go and grab it. And keep a good eye on him just in case. If he shows any unusual signs call me.

She nods, hugs me, and then heads to her house with Leo. I go back into the room and Falmer is already back.

Falmer: Someone from the lab should be in any second.

I sit down and grab Eltons hand while cradling Sol.

Y/N: Everything will be okay gorgeous... I promise.

The door opens and closes, and I look up to see a man with a paper.

Falmer: These the results?

Man: Yes ma'am.

She grabs the paper, the man leaves, and she reads over it and sighs.

Falmer: Okay, so...

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