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We have finally recieved our sonogram photo. Our little baby is so cute. Now that we have the photographic evidence of our baby, we begin planning the "prank". Once we get a time set up for all the boys to come over, we just watch some netflix and wait. Soon, a knock erupts from our door. Sam, Colby, Jake, Aaron, and Corey all enter.

Elton: Hey guys.

Sam: Whats up? Everything okay?

Corey: Yeah you seemed a little worried over the phone.

They all sit onto the couch and we sit in a chair opposite them. I look at the hidden camera slightly to make sure it's recording, it is, and I let Elton take the lead.

Elton: So we have something to tell you guys.

Jake: Whats up, bro?

Elton looks to me.

Elton: You want to tell them or should I?

Y/N: You can.

Elton: Okay. Well... Y/N is pregnant.

Aaron: Nuh-uh

Colby: This is a prank isn't it?

Corey: This is totally a prank.

Sam: Wheres the camera?

Jake gets up and starts searching the room, eventually actually finding the camera.

Corey: So it is a prank!

I laugh as they all take a breath of seemingly relief.

Y/N: So uh i dont know how to tell you guys.

Corey: That its a prank? We already know.

Y/N: No, uh, we have a gift for all of you. Its one small gift but yeah...

Elton is now holding the camera. I stand up, grab the box, and bring it in.

Y/N: So uhh here is this

I hand Sam who is sitting in the middle of everyone else the box and he pulls the bow off. Everyone leans in as he slowly lifts the lid to the box off, revealing the sonogram. They all sit there silently for a moment. Sam pics the sonogram up, revealing a little note that says, "You are all gonna be uncles!" And when Corey lifted that, the tissue paper unfolded, revealing shirts that says "worlds best uncle". There was one for each of the boys. They are all still silent.

Elton: So are you guys gonna say anything..?

Corey: It isnt a prank..?

I shake my head and they all just sit there in shock.

Jake: Holy shit.

Aaron: You guys are actually pregnant?!

Y/N: Yep.

Colby: Oh my god! Congrats!

Sam: Yeah! Congratulations!

We both hug each of them, and then the questions start rolling in.

Colby: When did you find out?

Y/N: The hospital.

Aaron: How far along?

Elton: 3 months.

Sam: Do you know the gender?

Y/N: Nope. Not quite that far along.

Jake: Are you gonna name it after me?

Everyone laughs.

Elton: We have no clue what we're naming it. We dont even know the sex.

Corey: Whos gonna be the godfather?

YN: Oh god... Here we go.

They all start arguing about whos gonna be the godfather and Elton watches in amusement as I just look at him. I adore his everything. His beard, mustache, nose, mouth, eyes, ears, hair.. Literally everything about him. Here soon enough we will be married, and then parents... Before I met Elton I thought I was born to be alone. One of those loner people that would always strike curiosity in the vigilant. But the from the second I first saw one of his videos, all the way to the moment I met him... I had a glimmer of hope I was wrong. I get brought out of my thoughts from Elton poking my face.

Y/N: Sorry, what?

Elton: They want to know who you think youd pick to be godfather.

Y/N: Oh god, Uhhh.. Is this a popularity contest or am I going by who I believe would actually take the best care of my kid if god forbid something happened to us?

Sam: Both.

Y/N: If I say one of you that doesnt mean it wont change in the future. Got it?

They all nod.

Y/N: Okay... I choose...

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