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Since we were already living out of our suitcases at Heaths house, packing for Vidcon was fairly easy. We got a simple hotel room where everyone of the other featured creators were staying. I nervously fidget with my clothes as we ride down the elevator to walk around the convention as much as security will allow us to. The security is very tight and strict here, which makes me even more nervous. I know you can get swarmed, but is it really that bad here?

Elton: It'll be okay, I promise.

I nod and smile slightly.

Y/N: I know, its just my first time experiencing this. Last year you just went with the boys and I stayed home with Circa so I'm just nervous.

Elton: Well dont be nervous. Im sure everyone is super excited about meeting. Especially with that big ol' baby bump!

We get to hall B where a whole bunch of booths were, and we walk to the Send It society booth and help set up the merch before people got inside. Finally all the merch was displayed, and ready to be sold, along with special "Send It Society" plastic bags and free surprise wrist band with every purchase. There was also special surprises like signed posters for 100th buyer and a few others.

Elton: So, babe you can sit in the little green room area back there if you want to sit this out?

Y/N: I'll start out here to see how I feel. If I never try it I'll never know if I like it or not.

Elton nods and sits beside me to await the crowd while talking quietly to our two little babies in my belly.

Elton: You two are gonna be so loved. You know that?! Circa is gonna protect you and your momma and I are gonna love you to bits.

Suddenly the roar of hundreds of people walking into the hall interrupts our thoughts and we all stand, ready for any order. Twenty people immediately line up and the security suddenly doubles around us. Everyone is running around grabbing the orders for the customers as many of the fans gets pictures with Elton.

Guy: Wait. Y/N come get in this photo!

I speed walk over, smile, and let his friend take the picture for him.

Y/N: Thank you.

Guy: No, thank you!

I go back to filling orders and Elton places his hand on my shoulder.

Elton: If you ever need to take a break please do.

Y/N: Im good, im just trying to move quick as possible with broken ribs and-

I lower my voice and get closer to his ear.

Y/N: Two babies in my stomach. Its just a lot to work around.

I whisper the part about two babies, since we havent released that news yet. We're waiting until we have a good sonogram to show to the viewers, which we'll have in two days.

Girl: Oh my gosh! Youre actually pregnant!

Y/N: Yeah! I am! Its crazy, right?!

Girl: It really is! Youre totally glowing!

Y/N: Thank you!

After another hour and a half of orders, pictures, signatures, and conversations I have to go take a break. I sip my cool water and lay on the comfy luvsac they had in the green room. After about fifteen minutes Elton comes in and snuggles up to me.

Y/N: Well hello there. Taking a break?

Elton: Yeah. Signing stuff and taking pictures is exhausting.

Y/N: Agreed.

Elton: How are you feeling?

Y/N: Better now that I've taken a break.

Elton: Are you wanting to go back together, then?

Y/N: Sure.

We walk back out hand in hand and all of the viewers cheer making us both smile and giggle. We continue working through the line of viewers and taking pictures and signing everyones items. After another four hours goes by and we have finally finished the meet and greet.

Elton: Im... Tired as fuck.

Y/N: Same. Are we gonna actually go to that party that the guys want us to go to?

Elton: I dont know if Im really feeling up to it to be honest.

Y/N: My feet and back are killing me.

Elton: I'll text them and tell them we'll go to the party tomorrow or something.

We go back to the hotel and fall asleep almost immediately, and wake up about an hour later to a knock on our door. Elton gets up and answers the door, and in walk Sam and Colby who sit on the bed by me. Colby actually accidently sits on my legs.

Colby: Oh shit I didnt even realize you were in bed. Sorry.

Y/N: All good. So whats up guys?

Sam: So, we wanted to ask you guys a question.

Elton: Okay?

Sam: We were wondering if after the babies are born, if you would both want to go back to the witches forest with us Corey and Jake?

Y/N: So like a while away? After the babies are born and all good?

Colby: Yeah so we were thinking we could find a babysitter, that way we dont have to worry about them, and we all go.

Y/N: What do you think, Elton?

Elton: I mean it will be a while until the babies can really be without Y/N but Im down.

Y/N: Yeah, so am I.

Colby: Yeah, no, of course. We'll wait until you guys are ready and comfortable.

Y/N: Alright, well yeah, we're down.

Sam and Colby thank us, and go to have fun at their party and Elton and I go back to sleep quickly.

((A/N - SOOOO yeah. Be ready for some upcoming chapters. Return to the Witches Forest. 😈))

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