Roadtrip Day 3 Waterpark

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You all walk up and pay to get inside. Elton, being the gentleman he is pays for your entry. You try to pay for yourself but he refuses to let you because you bought all the stuff at Target. You all get in and rent a couple lockers. Elton left his big camera in the bus and brought a couple of Go-Pros. He gave one to Colby, Corey, and Jake and kept one for himself. He said we would switch halfway through and go down the same slides so he has clips of us all going on the same slides for a montage. You all go up to a group slide and all get on one of the huge tubes together. Because of there being six people the tube is going super fast and when you go over a bump you get launched out of the tube. You land on your shoulder and are sliding behind the tube.

Elton: Y/N! Are you okay?!

Y/N: Fuck... Yeah, I'm alright.

Elton and Corey pull you back into the tube and you try your hardest to hide your pain.

Corey: You landed hard. Are you sure you're okay?

Y/N: Yeah. I'm all good.

You all get down to the end of the slide and decide which to go to next. Your shoulder is throbbing but refuse to let it show.

Colby: Lets go to the race slides! There's six so its perfect! We can all race each other!

Sam: Yeah! Lets do it!

You all run to the race slides and the lifeguard counts you all down.

Lifeguard: 3... 2... 1... GO!

You all push yourselves down the slides and somehow you got one with a lot of twists. Your shoulder gets slammed into the slide. You slam into the pool and sit there under the water to hide the pain until you have the absolute need to breathe. You see the boys all waiting for you at the end of the pool.

Elton: You okay babe?

Y/N: Yeah, yeah. Im all good. So who won?

Corey: Sam did.

Y/N: Oh cool. Congrats sam.

Colby: The five others should go again and get a second and third place!

YN: Okay, only if I can not have that same slide again.

Colby: Sure.

You all climb up again and slide down. Elton came in first and you second.

Sam: Alright top three is me at first, Elton at second, and Y/N at third. All the rest of you sucked.

Everyone laughs and Corey pats your shoulder and you hold in your yip. Youre almost sure its broken.

Y/N: Alright whats next?

Jake: Why dont we go down the group one again?

Elton: Alright. But im holding on to you.

He points at you and grabs your hand. You nod and you all walk up again. The tube goes just as fast this time and Elton is holding you around your waist very tightly. You all crash down at the bottom and fly into the pool. You all swim up, laugh, and get out.

Corey: Anyone else hungry?

Y/N: Very.

Elton: Yep.

You all walk to the lunch place and all order burgers. You eat primarily with your left hand and Elton notices. He whispers in your ear.

Elton: You really fucked your shoulder up didnt you?

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