Bahamas 3

658 12 2

I wake up in the arms of Elton, feeling awfully nauseous. I try to gently slither out of his grasp to not wake him, and run to the bathroom. My body rejects everything I ate the day before, and I brush my teeth once im finished. As I do, I feel to rather cold arms wrap around me.

Elton: Babe...

I could hear the concern in his voice. I look up at him in the mirror and notice the popped vessel in my eye, that caused a big red blotch.

Elton: Oh my gosh. Your eye...

Y/N: Im okay. I promise.

He turns me around to him and checks me over. He brushes his thumb beside my eye, trying to get a better look at it.

Elton: Does it hurt?

Y/N: No, not at all. It just happens sometimes.

He frowns and pulls me into a hug. One that I didnt know I was craving. I let out a sigh of content and he kisses my shoulder.

Elton: Im sorry.

Y/N: For what?

Elton: For this little baby making you sick.

He lowers his head and looks towards the ground.

Y/N: Hey... Look at me.

I grab his chin and make him look at me.

Y/N: Dont apologize for making me a mom.

Elton: But I feel like its my fault.

Y/N: Elton, it takes two to tango. And I'm super excited to have this baby with you. Even with the side effects.

Elton: You are?

Y/N: Of course. Theres no one else on earth id rather be with, let alone having a baby with.

Elton smiles, kisses me gently, and hugs me again.

Elton: So are you still wanting to go to that rope course?

Y/N: Yeah. Of course.

Elton gathers the gopros, head mounts, helmet mounts, and spare batteries. He comes in to the living room with a packed back pack and changed from his boxers that he slept in, to a Send It shirt and sweats.

Elton: Ready?

He smiles as he looks over my outfit. Send it crop top, XPLR sweats, and hiking boots.

Y/N: As ready as I'll ever be.

He grabs my hand and the keys to the rental, and practically drags me out to the car. He sets up a camera on the dash and starts recording.

Elton: Hey guys! I am here with my lovely wife Y/N and we are out on our honeymoon in the Bahamas! Today we're going out to a ropes course and I thought we could film it for you.

He turns the camera off and looks to me slightly as he starts driving.

Elton: What are your thoughts about telling the viewers that youre pregnant?

Y/N: We can. Maybe after the ropes course, though? I dont want to deal with all of those people saying how dangerous it is and blah blah blah.

Elton: No, of course. I get it. I was thinking a short little video of just us telling them. Record and post it once we get home?

Y/N: Sounds good to me.

We drive for about an hour before reaching the ropes course. We get harnessed, set up all of the gopros, and go through the basic safety and training course.

Instructor: Alright, you guys are ready to go. The first obstacle is right over there.

He points to a net ladder, that goes up to a platform in a tree, that has a tightrope to walk across to the next platform that leads to the rest of the course. Elton connects his harness to the safety line, and then scales the rope net.

Y/N: Oh.

Elton: I may have done this before.

Y/N: I know. I was there. I filmed from the ground.

Elton: Oh yeah! I honestly almost forgot about that. I was so busy listening to Corey scream to focus on you down below us.

I begin shakily climbing up the net and reach the top, laying onto the platform.

Elton: Oh hi. Welcome.

Y/N: Im so shakey and I dont even know why.

Elton: Maybe something to do with the pregnancy?

Y/N: Probably, I dont know.

I stand up and a gust of wind makes the tree sway, making me cling into what I thought was the tree for a moment... Turns out it was Elton, who wraps his arms around me to comfort me.

Elton: You good?

I stand up straight and take everything in for a moment before responding.

Y/N: Yeah. Its a different feeling up here.

Elton: Yeah, I admit it feels pretty unstable. But don't worry, we're perfectly safe. Just stay connected to the safety lines at all times and youll be okay.

I take a deep breath and nod. I connect to the safety line that runs about five feet above the tightrope line and begin walking along. Somehow I do it without falling.

Elton: There you go, babe! You were really good at that!

Y/N: Guess I had to get used to it.

Elton follows and reaches me shortly, and goes to the next obstacle. A rope like bridge that only had enough space for on foot at a time. Each foot step was seperated from the rest, making each. one able to swing all crazy and away from the rest. He gets across it, only falling and getting caught by the safety line twice.

Elton: There, see! Not that bad. Plus you have better balance than me so you'll probably do way better.

I take the first step and get across quickly. I smile as I realize I got used to this pretty quickly. I do the next two courses with ease, and then reach a zip line. Elton goes first, yelling the whole way while recording himself.

Elton: Alright babe! Your turn!

I clip on, and get a bit of a running start, and zip line all the way over to Elton. I slam into the crash pad on the tree and clip into the safety line. Laughing, I hug Elton.

Y/N: This is amazing, babe! Im so glad you talked me into doing this!

Elton: I told you! Its so much fun!

We do the rest of the course, and then meet the boys for dinner, before going to our room and enjoying our overhead rain shower.

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