Roadtrip Day 4

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Elton parks the bus a couple blocks away from the location you are all going to tonight. Some random abandoned mall in the middle of no where. Considering Elton almost got arrested last time they went to a place like this, you tried to convince them to skip this one. Especially with Sam and Colbys issues with the law right now, but boys being boys, they didnt listen.

Elton: Alright. Everyone grab what they want. Dress warm, its weirdly freezing out right now.

You wrap a jacket around you, seeing as your arm is still tied down to your body. Elton grabs all of his filming equipment and you put on your running shoes.

Corey: Bro, I have a bad feeling about this place.

Jake: Oh come on Corey dont be a pussy.

Y/N: I have a bad feeling too, and if you call me a pussy I will make sure you have one before we're done tonight.

Elton laughs at your words as he puts a new memory card into his camera.

Elton: Alright whatever we do we have to make sure, that if we get caught, they do not find this SD card. They will force us to delete the footage.

Everyone just nods.

Colby: It feels strange doing this again. Its been so long.

Sam: Yeah. Our managers are gonna kill us if we get caught.

Y/N: Okay the rules for tonight. One, keep that SD card safe. Two, if we can, make sure Sam and Colby dont get caught. Even if it means sacrificing ourselves.

Jake: I dont want to go to jail.

Y/N: But if they do then they will probably go to literal prison. Theyre records are being watched right now. They need to keep their heads low.

Corey: None of us are going to go to jail.

Elton: Lets hope not, anyway.

You all exit the bus and make sure to lock up. You cross through a stretch of woods so no one can see you from the roads.

Y/N: Did I ever tell you guys how incredibly unlucky I am?

Sam: Not the best time to bring it up, Y/N...

Y/N: I just wanted to warn you guys before we got there so you could turn back if you wanted to.

Jake: Nah we're gonna do this. Come on.

Elton grabs your one good hand and starts walking with you, and making sure you dont trip and fall over anything. You finally make it to the mall and it looks incredibly creepy. There isnt much graffiti on the outside and it looks like it hasnt been cared for in over ten years.

Y/N: How did you guys even find out about this place?

Colby: A fan DM'ed us.

Y/N: Oh great so it could be a set up.

Colby: They told us about it months ago. Not here recently.

Y/N: I hope youre telling the truth.

Elton: Alright. Theres a door that almost looks open right there. Lets check it out.

Elton and Corey walk up to the door and the rest of you stay back in the brush. They push on it and with a little force, the door opens.

Corey: Come on guys!

You catch up with them and step foot inside and get the creeps.

Y/N: This place smells like a casket.

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