Vision or Second Chance?

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You wake up to the sound of a heart monitor again. Elton is sitting beside you, as he was released a week ago. You throw your pillow at him and quickly act like youre still asleep.

Elton: Oh I see how it is missy. Youll be paying for that.

You giggle as he crawls into the bed with you. You hear a knock on the door and all of your friends walk in.

Colby: I bought you flowers but I forgot them at the apartment.

Y/N: Ah its all good. I can only carry so much out of here.

You reference to your missing appendage.

Sam: So how is getting used to only having one arm?

Y/N: Well its not that bad considering I was really only using my left arm for a while before this... But its still different.

You look to where your arm is supposed to be and actually see one there. You jump.

Y/N: What the fuck?!

Elton: What? Baby whats wrong?

You look again and see nothing.

Y/N: For a second... I dont know... I couldve sworn i saw my arm...

Sam: Thats probably normal. Like ghost pains and stuff.

Y/N: Yeah probably... Anyway..

You close your eyes and see a flash of the moment directly before the crash. You look at Elton and see concern all over his face as he dissapears.

Y/N: Elton?


You are back in the car. You look up and see the vehicle turning into your lane.

Y/N: Elton, look out!

Elton throws his arm over you and the car squeels to a stop just before the impact. You look to your arm and almost like magic it reappears in place.

Y/N: What the fuck is happening...

You get out of the car and sit on the sidewalk right beside the tragedy that almost happened. Corey, Sam, Jake, Elton, and Colby all come up to you.

Elton: Baby are you okay?

You just nod.

Elton: Guys what are you doing here?

Corey: We were just a few cars back. What the hell happened?

Elton: We almost died thats what happened. If Y/N wouldnt have noticed then we would have crashed.

Jake: Y/N are you okay?

Y/N: No. We already went through this. This already happened except we did crash. I saw it. A piece of metal hit my shoulder. I had to get it amputated. I was just about to get released. I-I dont know... This isnt right. Somethings wrong.

Corey: Maybe this is your second chance.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Corey: Some people believe that when something like that happens its your second chance. And you have to use it properly or you'll end up with the worse fate.

You just nod and pull Elton to yourself.

Y/N: I love you.

Sam: Did Elton... Die... In that... Vision or whatever?

Y/N: W-what? God no. He got less hurt than I did by far. Even though he tried protecting me in both versions. Wait. You guys dont think im crazy?

Elton: No. Weird things like that happens. Who knows.

Y/N: Im killing Amanda if I ever see her again.

Jake: What? Eltons last girlfriend?

Y/N: Yeah. Imma kill her.

Elton: Why?

Y/N: Well you apparently havent changed your emergency contact information so-

Elton: Holy shit I havent, have I? I'll call and change that tonight.

Y/N: So they called her and she came in and acted like she was your girlfriend and called me an amputee.

Corey: She was always like a bitch like that.

Y/N: Yeah she just annoyed me. I wont actually kill her. Maybe slap her. Who knows.

Elton chuckles slightly and kisses your temple. You laugh at the memory of when he did that in the hospital.

Y/N: Do you know how pretty you are?

Elton: Youre so weird.

Y/N: Lets go home... Im not super comfortable with driving around today.

Elton: I dont blame you. You guys coming?

Colby: Sure. We'll follow ya.

Everyone drives very safely back to yours and Eltons place. You sit onto the couch and look through Twitter. You look at the trending page.

Beloved Youtuber Elton Castee and his fiance in almost fatal car crash.

Y/N: What the fuck?


Your eyes open and once again youre in the hospital. It is night now, and Elton is asleep with you in the bed. You whisper to yourself.

Y/N: What the fuck is happening..?

Elton wakes up.

Elton: Whats wrong?

Y/N: I- N-nothing... Its nothing.

Elton: Are you sure?

Y/N: Yeah. Sorry for waking you.

He burys his face into your neck and kisses it softly as he falls back to sleep.

What is happening...

((Sorry for this chapter being a little shorter than normal. I dont know where im gonna take this quite yet. Hope you enjoyed!))

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