Chapter: 1

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I am Masumi Tsukasa, 15 years old and a first year of Ouran High School. I am no one particular but just a boy or a man that no one knows of than a rumor. I am trap in those rumors but it's whatever. They can believe whatever they want. It's not like I could do anything about it. Besides, it's a real pain.

Anyway, about me...Let's start with appearance. I look like a delinquent a bit and I don't all the way button my blazer. I usually wear headphones and wear a blank expression. My black bangs over my left eye and the one that shows are my yellow eyes. Very unique and weird but one of the reasons why people stay away from me. I look like a freak.

Hmm...What else? Oh right, I prefer wearing jeans, sneakers like Jordan, Vans, and Converse, a plain T-shirt and a hoodie. I like wearing gloves too. So whenever I wear school uniform, I have a sown hoodie onto the blazer thing while I change the pants into jeans. Like whatever...Oh crap. I'm going to be late for school.


I grabbed my messenger bag and place it over my shoulder. I ran out of my room, grabbing my phone in the process. I hurried down to see the two people sleeping on the couch naked. I rolled my eyes before heading out.

I walk out of the semi-mansion that I live it. As much as I like the house, I prefer a smaller one. I mean what's the point having a huge one when you don't actually need it. It's a waste if you ask me. But whatever. This is their house and it's contaminated if you know what I mean. Yuck...

I walk to school casually. When I arrived, I stared at the school, questioning if Barbie and Rarity from MLP came out and create this school for the principal. I sigh before heading in. Everyone stares and whisper about me and how 'scary' and 'freaky' I am. Don't these people have ANYTHING else to do? Wait nope! because being poochies is their life until the day they die.

I went into Class 1A, to only met by silent and stares. I sigh as I rolled my eyes before heading to sit in front of a gu---no wait...Is that girl? Huh...I'm glad I see a girl who doesn't shit what she looks like. She's now one of my favorite things in school. I like the garden, the greenhouse, the fountain, and other stuff.

The teacher comes in and greet and then class start. I sigh as I place my headphone on and listen to music, deep in my own world. Although, I did copy notes down just in case for emergencies.


Class is over and it's free period time for an hour like damn. I wish all school has this. This school have 2-3 free period a day. But anyway, as I got up with my bag, the girl with thick glasses accidentally bump into me.

"Oh gomen," she speak quietly but loud enough for me to hear.

I look at down at since I'm a few inches taller than her but a couple inches shorter than those weird twins that sits near her. I respond, "it's fine."

She excuse herself and walk away. I went on with my business but something caught my eyes. An ID. I pick it up, clearing she is a girl. I gotta say but she looks cute. Wonder what's the change. Probably long hair is a real pain. Understandable.

I grabbed my bag and hurry out the class to see her a feet away from me. I jog up to her as I call, "Fujioka-san!"

She stops and turn to see me, waiting, "hai?"

I hand her her card, "you drop your ID. I figured you may need this."

"Oh, Arigato," she said as she took her card and place it in her bag before looking at me, "Masumi Tsukasa, correct?" I nod. She bow, "arigato, Tsukasa-san."

"It's no problem. Just be careful, alright?" I reply. She nod before bidding me goodbye. I said mine as well before heading out our separate ways.

She wasn't so bad. Then again, she's a 'commoner' so she's different from these pooches. (Okay, Masumi is between a commoner and a rich person. Even though Masumi has money, he doesn't like being what he called "poochies." If he have to choose, he'll call himself a commoner.)

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