Chapter: 24

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Masumi POV

Currently free period and words spread out really quickly about me being a host. Blank on the outside but clearly irritated on the inside. As I walk through the hallway, people stare as they whisper about me being a host. They all came up with stupid scenarios such as. "Omg! Do you think he pisses them off again?" "I bet he broke something and couldn't pay shit with his broke ass." "I think they blackmailed him into doing this just to embarrass him." And so on.

Don't these fucken pooches have something better to do than talk about my broke ass low life me? Nope! Apparently they don't and they could ALL fuck their fucken parents and their load of shit. I thought as my stomach growls, It's a couple of hours before lunchtime. Maybe some snacks wouldn't hurt.

I make my way to the teacher's lounge. Casually walking in with no teachers questioning me. I take a bag of BBQ potato chips and left. Along with taking a can of coke. I mean, why not? Anyway, I head over to the greenhouse where I'll be meeting Ritsu for our club. Apparently, we have a meeting concerning the garden.

Upon arriving, I notice Ritsu letting out a chilling aura around him, causing everyone to freeze. I sigh as I place my snacks into my pocket and went over to Ritsu's side, asking, "What's got your pantie in a twist?"

"That!" he points at some of the ruin plants, "Whoever did it, they're dead!"

I wave it off, "It's probably animals."

"More like those damn rich kids who always living the perfect life!" He exclaims angrily, "We're gonna stake out until we catch the culprit!"

Why does that second sentence remind me of someone...? I shrug it off and agree since I could skip class.

So currently we're hiding behind a bush. Ritsu is using binoculars to watch over his precious plants. Meanwhile, I do something more important. Eating food. I open my bag of chips and start eating, glancing at the garden once in a while. I take a nice, long sip of coke and Ritsu mumbling angry to himself. More like murmuring what he'll do to the person that caused this mess in the first place. I gotta admit, I need to thank whoever because they give me a very good reason why I could ditch classes today. Of course, Haruhi with a mother personality like is displeased with it but has no choice to accept it. Haha, suckers!

As I am happily munching on chips, Ritsu knocks the bag out of my hand, informing me that the culprit has arrived. HOWEVER, I didn't give a shit because MY PRECIOUS FOOD WENT TO WASTE.

Ritsu POV

I am suddenly surrounded by a thick, cold, angry mist as it was suffocating me. I turn to see a...DEMON.

(Ignore the rain)

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(Ignore the rain)

His hair levitates a bit as it sways. Meanwhile, his eyes are seemingly glowing red of a demon. I tremble in fear as he glares at me angrily. "How dare you knock my food out of my hand. You're gonna pay!"

"I'll get you some new one. So I'm just gonna deal with the culprit." I left right there and then or else I'll die in the hand of Satan himself.

Masumi POV

I clean up since it'll hurt the environment before going to Ritsu. I saw him glaring at the elementary girl, who's apologizing for ruining his plants. He grabs her by the collar, yelling at her as she cries. Then I notice a small pot with a little yellow rosebud that'll soon to blossom. My protective brother instinct kicks in. I force Ritsu down as I hold the child and glare, "Quit hurting her or else you're dead. Can't you see she's scared and sincerely apologizes? Now take her gift and go away."

Ritsu notices the plant. he apologizes and quickly runs away. The little girl keeps crying. I rub her back as I hold her so closely, cooing her softly, "it's okay little one. Oniichan is right here to protect you from the monster, okay?"

After a little while, I wipe her tears away and let her blow in the tissue that I have with me. She holds onto me tightly as I went to sit on the swings and her on my lap. We swing a little together silently. I wait patiently for her to speak. From experience, you should always let the kids take their time to speak and never pressure them. Or else it'll make matters worse in different ways.

Eventually, she did, "...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to..."

"What do you mean little one?" I ask her gently.

"For ruining the plants," She sniffles, "I was j-just admiring them until I-I trip and fell onto them. I d-didn't mean too! S-So I went to g-get my flower to say I-I'm sorry but then Scary-Oniisan was very angry with me."

"It's okay. It wasn't your fault and Ritsu-Oniisan isn't really mad at you," I spoke gently as I pet her head, "He's just very sad when he saw his plants were ruin. But now you gave him that little rose, he's all better."

"Are you sure?" She looks a bit skeptical.

I give her a closed-eyes smile, "I'm sure. If he's ever angry, always run to me, okay? I promise that I'll protect you."

"Pinkie promise?" She held out her pinkie ever so innocently.

I wrap my pinkie around hers, "Pinkie promise." She snuggles against my shirt. I hug her closely, "Now, why don't you tell me who you are and why you're here. Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

"My name is Akuma. Well, that's what people call class bullies me because of my looks," She replies as she looks at me.

my class bullies me because of my looks," She replies as she looks at me

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Her hair is long, silvery dark blue as her eyes are mismatched. Pinkish Red on the right(your right) and seemingly glowing light blue on the left(your left). She has many bruises and cuts, most likely from getting mistreated.

She tears up, "why do I look like this? Why do I have to look different? I never ask for this. Maybe that's why my parents left me." I sigh internally.

Society is such a cruel world. Especially towards young children who should live their childhood in innocence, not in torture, I kiss her forehead.

"It's okay. it's okay to look different because it's what makes you unique and beautiful. No matter what people say," I said as I show her my eyes, "See? My eyes are yellow, far from normal but I'm proud of it. I don't look like any others and I don't want to because I am me. And you are you." Her eyes shine. I simply smile and pat her head as she blushes, "Now why don't you come back here after school. Meet me inside of music room #3, okay?"

Akuma smiles and nods, "Okay!" I watch her go with an urge feeling to protect her.

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