Chapter: 58

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Tamaki POV

We all went silent when we heard about her family. Everything made sense now.

The thing that Ranka told us and how it could drastically change her into a different person.

"What about your aunt and uncle?" Hani asks.

"And your siblings? You got to have other siblings," the twins said.

"They're dead too. All of my family is," Masumi shrug as she hugs Hayami who's probably still upset about her parents' death.

"Mommy and Daddy(referring to Kaylie and Maine) had a bad car crash..." Hayami mumbles as she buries her face in Masumi's chest.

"Sorry..." we apologize, feeling extremely guilty.

Masumi waves it off, "it's all fine."

"How could you be so...casual about it?" I question which made everyone stare at her.

"It's been years since my parents and siblings' death. I've gotten past that," she elucidates, "When I was around 5th grade was when they died so I was a bit young when it happened. After my aunt and uncle died about a couple weeks or so ago, I was able to handle their death a bit well. Plus I needed to be strong for little Hayami and since I'm taking over the Noami name, I can't stand by and idle around pathetically."

That shocked me because it was around the time when we planned on going to the beach trip. That explained why she hasn't been to school that one week. She was coping up her last blood family members' death...

She stretch, "all of them died in a car crash sadly. I really wish they were alive..."

We ended up hugging her, squishing and sandwiching poor Hayami by accident. We all said stuff and mainly about how we're her new family now. Masumi pushes us away and yada, yada.

Masumi POV

As Takashi and I hold hands, watching Hani, Hayami, and Nathan who Kyoya decided to bring, play together, we ignore the idiots around us.

Resting my head on Takashi's shoulders, one of Haruhi's old friends came along. I didn't really care who he was but I was quite infatuated when Haruhi never realized that the guy likes her more as a friend. No kidding. She still hasn't realized she like Tamaki or realized Tamaki liiikes her. And Tamaki hasn't realized he actually love Haruhi more as a friend/daughter. Then again, why am I to talk? I don't notice these things either when it happened to me.

After Hikaru caused trouble or more like being a spoiled kid with jealousy problem, and storm up to his room, I watch Kaoru takes things in his own hand. I notice the two have taken a liking to Haruhi, as a love interest.

But knowing Kaoru, he always put his older(?) brother first. After all, the two are like best friends and they're important to each other. Hikaru cares about Kaoru a lot. Same with Kaoru but he's a whole different level.

And no, not that level. Clean that dirty mind of yours. Then again...I should clean mine also. Any holy water that you could share with me?

Anyway, back to the story, Kaoru is a type of guy who puts his family and friends' happiness first before his own. It's really sweet of him. But I do wish it doesn't keep happening. After all, he should be selfish and take the things he wants sometimes, especially when it comes to love.

The next day, Kaoru managed to set Hikari and Haruhi on a date. Which kind of made me and Takashi want to go on the date. So that's what we did. Hopefully, it was a good idea to leave the kids in the Host Club's hands.

Anyway, Takashi and I explore the town. I bought some clothes that Ranka would probably like. Along with making up. Mentally note I should send it to him.

I haven't realized I hit something until it was too late. I trip and fell but Takashi saved me from breaking my lovely face. Helping me up, he pats my head, "be careful next time."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," I shrug it off. I pout when he pokes my cheek.

He chuckles a little which made me smile happily.

"I love you, Masumi."

"I love you too,"

We both kiss each other.

The end. Yay! Finally! Yeah this ending suck so deal with it!

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