Chapter: 17

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Masumi POV

Ritsu and I start hanging out with each other a bit more, meaning I joined the Garden club with him. Yes, I love nature if you haven't realized that by now. I only join him during the morning and some free period while I use my lunch to eat and nap. After school, I work at my part-time job. Speaking of my job, I'm heading to it right now.

Walking to the back door of a building, I take out a key and unlock the door. Shutting the door, I log in and met up with Ranko, his stage name. He dresses up like a girl which is okay. He immediately hugs me the second I am there.

"Masumi-Chan!" He snuggles against me.

"Good afternoon Ranko-Chan," I smile as I hug him.

"Masumi! Good to see you!" the boss walks in with a huge smile on his face, "People are requesting you. Hurry and dress up so you won't lose any tip!"

"Aye!" I salute.

I went to the changing room and dress up like a girl. Ranko helps me with my makeup and adjust my wig to make it comfortable.

"Done!" Ranko sings as he turns me to face the mirror.

"Done!" Ranko sings as he turns me to face the mirror

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(His chest is flat)

"you did well as always," I smile at him.

"Why thank~" He smile in return before looking at me, "It's so hard to tell if you look better as a boy or a girl. But if I have to choose, a girl is way better after all—"

Someone knocks on the door, "Suki, Ranko, it's time to get to work!"

"Yes, boss~!" We both reply.

We did some final checks before heading out to work. All the guys flirt, along with a couple of girls. Of course, as my job, I flirt back and earn a ton of tips. Easy money. Luckily, no one from school sees this. Well, they probably won't recognize me. Plus it's a bar. Highly doubt anyone would be here and drink.

"Hey, cutie~" A guy looks at me seductively.

I flutter my eyes, "hello~ How may I help you~?"

"Honey, you can help him and me in all kinds of ways," his friend flirts as he winks at me.

"Sorry~ but I'm not supposed to do naughty things during work, after, or before~" I pout cutely.

"Too bad~" The two guys continue to check me out.

"if you can, please tell me your order~ and order as much as you want~" My eyes flutter as they show innocent lust, hypnotizing them. They order half of the things that are from the menus. "I'll be right back with your orders, sirs'!" Once they receive their order and pay, not sure how they order so much. Therefore, they take it to go and left me a ton of tips. I bow a bit seductively, "Please come again!" That's how I get shit done!


After a couple of hours, it isn't busy as before so I am resting. Until my boss come over and inform me, "Suki-Chan, you're needed at Garden Cafe."

My eyes lit up and I smile, not realizing I made him blush a bit, "Sure!"

Before he knew it, I already left but I made sure to kiss Ranko on the cheek.

Mori POV(Didn't expect that, huh)

It is after club hours, the twins drag all of us to their favorite cafe which is a commoner cafe near their home. Apparently, it is famous for its high-quality food and beverages. Along with wonderful services. There is time where they do cosplay. This time, they're cosplaying as Neko. Everyone seems excited as Haruhi is extremely excited to go there since she always wanted to visit it but never had the chance to do so.

As we are walking, someone bumps into me. I look and see a girl with black hair and yellow eyes on the ground, wince a bit as she rubs her behind. I blush a bit. She looks so cute.

I help her up. She bows, "Gomen! I need to go!" She runs off which left me and the others dumbfounded.

We shake it off and continue our way to the cafe. Everyone seems to forget all about her but my mind keeps going back to her. She looks so beautiful...I wanna see her but...Why does she look familiar though?

Without noticing, Hani look at me with a hidden sly smirk and eyes full of happiness. Eventually, we arrive. We enter the Garden Cafe.

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