Chapter: 6

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Tamaki POV

I pace around panicking as Haruhi is isolated with a boy who knows that Haruhi is a she and not a he. Hani observes as the twin who is also panicking their own way.

Kyoya sigh, "calm down. Haruhi-san is fine."

"BUT MOMMY! SHE'S WITH A GUY! A GUY! SOMETHING COULD HAPPEN TO HER!" I exclaim, practically screaming my lungs out.

"He has no record of harassing girls," he states matter factly as he shut his notebook, "and I doubt he'll do it now. Beside Haruhi-San know what she's doing."

Minutes pass by, someone is opening the door. It is Haruhi with...MASUMI?! Masumi stands before her.

Haruhi smile at him, "thanks for walking me here even though you didn't want to."

"It's fine. Anyway, see you in class," he said.

Before he left, Haruhi stops him, "Masumi-Kun, wait." Masumi turns to her. Haruhi smile before going up and kiss his left cheek where I punched him.

My jaw drops and I turn white as I crack with the twins. Masumi looks unfazed by this. Masumi pats her head before leaving the room.

I run to Haruhi, grabbing her shoulders and look at her closely, "I DON'T ACCEPT THIS! DADDY DOESN'T WANT YOU TO DATE WITH A GUY LIKE HIM!"

Haruhi looks unamused, "I am not dating him. He's my friend, and even if I was, you're not my father so you have no right to tell me who I can date or who I can't."

I went to my emo corner, depress as I cry. Haruhi sigh, clearly annoyed with us. "I'm just going back to class." With that, she left.

While I whimper, "Tsukasa-San is taking away my baby away..."

"I don't think he has any interest in her," Hani declares cutely because he's adorable, "after all when she kissed him, he looks like he doesn't care."

I gasp as I jump, "HE'S GOING TO BREAK HER HEART!"

"They're just friends, boss," Hikari sigh. "So there's no need worry," Kaoru speak. "Man, you really are an idiot." They say at the same time.

Masumi POV

In class peacefully as I am writing something in my notebook. The Sakura trees inspired me to write a song. And the low key, the Host Club also helps with it. But I'll never admit because I know I won't hear the end.

Then someone steps into class. I look to see Haruhi, looking quite irritated. She told me the whole story about how she ended up in that club and stuff so I already what's up with her.

When she spots me, she relaxes a little and pulls up a chair next to me, "what are you writing?"

"A song that I was inspired to write not too long ago," I answer as I show her my music book.

She takes it and reads it. She smiles and exclaims, "wow Masumi-kun! You're really good at this aren't you?"

"Yeah. After all, I did get in with a full music scholarship," I said, causing her to stare at me in shock, "but nobody knows that."

"I can see why you gain a scholarship for music. You're very talented," Haruhi grins brightly which reminds me of the sun.

"Thanks," I said as I take it back and continue to write.

"Hey, I was wondering if you could join the Host Club party," she mentions or more like inviting me.

I look at her with bewilderment, "why would I want to join?"

"I thought it would be fun to hang out," she replies.

I thought about it then look at her, "I will but on one condition."


My ankle is healed. I know, I heal quickly. Haruhi dance with me as all the girls blush with a puzzled look. Haruhi drags me to the dance floor to dance with. She smiles while I smile back a little.

"You know, for someone who has a secret, you dance quite well," she says.

Yep. She knows my secret. One of my many secrets. I nod, "I am on a scholarship."

The dance is finally over. I lean down and kiss her forehead. She blushes a little as everyone gasps. Including the host club. I casually went to go to the food table to eat while Haruhi then dances with Kanako Kasugazaki.

Haruhi got kidnap by...Mori and Hani. I stuff my face before turning my back to continue to eat more. The food is delicious. Oh look, they have...fancy tuna? Huh. I plop that inside my mouth and eat it.

The Host Club isn't here for the past 5 minutes, causing their guests, mainly females, to worry about them. People chatter as they're getting restless. "Some hosts they are..." I mumble. I sigh, "I better get something after doing this..."

I went backstage and take off my blazer and gloves off. Then I put on a black and dark red fedora. I lower it to hide my eyes before setting things up and head out onto the stage with a microphone, "Hello Mina~" everyone turns to look. I smile causing all the girls to blush, "the host club is busy discussing who's gonna be the lucky winner! So right now, I shall keep you entertained until they're done! I hope you don't get bored with me." They squeal when I wink. "anyway! I'll be singing a new song that I have finished recently! I hope you enjoy."

(Cue the song up above. Song called Sakura Kiss)

Everyone is memorized by his voice. It almost sounds feminine angel singing it Nonetheless, they all love Masumi's voice and words that she sings. Some even dance to it.

Once the song is over, the final event begins. He manages to avoid people, including the Host Club. He places his hat away and put on his gloves, along with his blazer and went to watch the event. He is quite amused that Haruhi's first kiss would be a female. He could've sworn Tamaki would be but whatever. He gives the twins props for being the monkeys that they are.

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