Chapter: 14

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Masumi POV

Inside the hospital of the lounge as Rachie serves us tea. I sigh as I pinch the bridge of my nose and glares at the fools. Meanwhile, the fools have cold sweat as they tremble in fear and Tamaki has a big bruised on his cheek. While this is all happening, Rachie and Haruhi talk about life casually, ignoring the facts that the host club members about to die.

"So you're telling me that you stalk us ALL the way here and didn't BOTHER to use the front door because of why?" I glare at them annoyedly as a dark, cold aura illuminates around us. I mean I know they're stalking us but not to this extent nor this stupid like come on!

"We didn't want to get caught..." Tamaki mumbles sadly, causing me to facepalm my face so hard.

I give up! I legit give up on these people, this anime, AND this lame fan fiction that the author decided to create one random day in school like what the hell! I thought angrily, sticking my middle finger up as the author is glaring at me.

Being the asshole she is, she makes me fall into the floor out of nowhere, and tea spilled all over me somehow. Proud of her work, she continues to write what she supposed to write in order to finish the damn story.

The Host Club looks confused as to how this incident happened while they're unaware of the audience who's fixing the fourth wall that the author decided to break. Meanwhile, Haruhi helps Masumi up and Rachie brought him new clothes for him to change into like the good people they are.

"What just—" I shot them a glare and I snarl, "don't ask or else I'll beat your ass and feed you to the dogs!" They all nod vigorously.

Haruhi simply drinks her tea while Rachie smiles as everything is normal. Unfortunately, it isn't normal because it's anime and fanfic. Yup, the author broke the fourth wall again so she really needs to stop or else she's deserved by all. Along with everyone else and the audience will kill her if they discover because that'll mean they can't stalk me anymore. Then again, that sounds nice but whatever.

After cleaning up, I look at Haruhi, "let's get going. We already wasted enough time here." I glare at the idiots which cause them to back away.

Haruhi stands up and straightens her dress before looking at Rachie, "thank you for serving me and dealing with unnecessary problems."

"I'll see you later, Rachie-San. Take care," I walk out with Haruhi right behind me.

However, Tamaki stop me, "hold on just a minute!"

I growl lowly as I look over my shoulder and glowers at the idiotic blonde who is the so-called Prince of our school, "What?"

He cowards away but suddenly took a deep breath and stands up with confidence as he look down at me, "You're joining our club!"

Haruhi POV

I watch Tamaki getting the courage to stand up against Masumi. It surprised me because I never saw this side before every time the two faces each other. Tamaki look upon at Masumi since he's short. Looking intimidating, he demands in a strong, confident voice, "You're joining our club!"

What a surprise...I sigh internally. I watch Masumi looking down as his hair covers both of his eyes. Worried, I wonder, Is he scared? But that doesn't seem right.

Tamaki POV

After my demand, Masumi looks down and I am unable to read his expression. I panicked inside, OH NO! DID I WENT TOO FAR?! I WAS TRYING TO BE TOUGH BUT I SEEM I WENT OVERBOARD! GAAAH! WHAT SHOULD I DO?1 DIDN'T MEAN TO SCARE HIM.

"Ts—" I froze when I saw him glaring at me.

His glare is colder than both death and Antarctica combined, causing me to tremble in fear as my heart almost stops

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His glare is colder than both death and Antarctica combined, causing me to tremble in fear as my heart almost stops. I never see him glare like this. Everyone else around me seems to be surprised as well. However, they're more in terror than anything else. If looks could kill, I would've been dead by now. Then everyone else goes down with me after. Glad it didn't happen.

(I could make that happen. Wahahaha!)


Masumi then spoke in a chilling tone, "don't tell me what to do you little prince of a piece of shit. I have no interest in joining and I never will for the rest of my life. So quit this bullshit before I fucken kill you."

"That's a threat. You know what could—" Kyoya stop talking as Masumi harden his ice-cold glare right at him.

Here I thought there wasn't anybody scary as my friends...Remembering when I piss the twins off and waking the others early. Along with annoying Haruhi when I'm trying to do everything for my only daughter.

Haruhi wraps her arm around Masumi tightly as if to restrain him before looking at us, "It's best if you guys stop already. You caused him enough trouble as it is. It isn't worth it to get him when there are other people you could have a recruit." She looks at Masumi, "Calm down, please. It's not good for young children when they see you. You know how they look up to you so much." Masumi snarls but didn't say anything. He sighs before taking a deep breath to calm his jets. "See you guys at school."

I watch the two go and only hear children through the door. They whine and grumble loudly as they don't want Masumi to go. We could hear Masumi being the lovely brother he is, not even realizing that they're calling his sister. After that, they left.

Then, we heard Rachie sigh.

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