Chapter: 7

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Third POV

After that party ended, Masumi walks Haruhi home since they're each other "date." It's what most people call it. However, they don't have a lovey-dovey thing. Just a mutual friendship as it seems like they're the only normal ones in this anime fanfiction.

"You sang quite good, Mister. Fedora," Haruhi snickers.

Masumi takes out the hat out of nowhere and places it on his head, winking, "you got to admit, I am one hell of a singer."

"Can't believe you want a fedora from the Hitachiin," Haruhi scoff in a playful way.

He shrugs nonchalantly, "what can I say? I like the clothes. Even though it's too god damn expensive."

"Aren't you rich"

"I may be rich but I'm hella cheap," he laughs.

"I guess that explains why I see you at the 'commoner' mall before," she smiles.

"I like the commoner malls. It has some things that those rich folks don't have," he shrugs.

They arrived at Haruhi's apartment complex. They walk up and Haruhi opens the door. To only be greeted by her father, Ryoji, aka Ranka. He jumps to hug them both, "YAY! MY TWO FAVORITE CHILDREN ARE BACK!"

If you're wondering why he isn't beating Masumi up, the two encounters with each other before a couple of times, way before Masumi officially met Haruhi. Ryoji knows everything about Masumi but kept it a secret from Haruhi, knowing Masumi would rather keep his privacy and not wanting to worry her.

"It's nice to see you too again after a couple of hours," Masumi greets with a smile.

"SO FREAKIN HOOOOTTT~ IF ONLY I WAS YOUNGER!" Ryoji wrapping his arms around Masumi and cuddle.

"And I wish I was older," he joke, causing everyone to laugh, "anyway, as much as I love to stay, I need to go home."

They bid their goodnights and Masumi left. Haruhi went inside while Ryoji watches Masumi go worriedly. "Otou-San, is there anything wrong?"

Ryoji looks at his daughter and smiles, "everything is fine that's all. Just making sure Masumi is walking home alright." She smiles and nods.

Once Masumi is out of sight, they both went inside. Ryoji couldn't help but worry about Masumi. After all, he knows what he has been through and they both know they couldn't do anything about it. After all, the people that Masumi lives with aren't the kind of people you want to stay.

Masumi POV

I walk to a liquor store in which I come here daily. When the familiar bell rang once I open the door, the owner look.

He gives me a warm smile, "welcome back, Masumi. Here to buy Kaylie and Maine regular drink?"

"Hai, Len-Oji(it means uncle. Don't get confused with ojī which mean grandfather)," I nod.

Len, the owner of this stop, known me since I was a kid. He knows my parents as he sometimes teaches me how to mix drinks and stuff. He's also the one who taught me the guitar. Not to mention he's like a third father to me. So it's nice to have someone like him. Also, the second father is Ryoji.

Len takes out the box of the same brand that they like. Paid for it, "Arigato," I smile, "goodnight."

"It's no problem," he said, "goodnight. And if you ever need anything, you can always come to me."

I give him one last smile before heading out. I hold the box against my side and walk to the so-called home. I arrive an hour early. The curfews are 10:30 so it's 9:30 right now. I know, it's early.

I walk in to be greeted back by Kaylie and Maine. They glare at me as Kaylie screech, "YOU'RE LATE YOU FUCKEN BRAT! DON'T YOU SEE WHAT TIME IT IS?!" She smacks me in the face.

"Lady Kaylie, it's only 9:30, an hour before curfew," I retort monotonously, before showing their favorite drink, "I also brought you this."

She gleams, "why didn't you say so~! Let's go dear~"

Maine takes the box and went to the kitchen.

Yup, these are the type of people I live with.

Kaylie, my aunt, and only aunt. She's a total bitch and extremely abusive but gets the things she likes, then everything is alright. Just like that. She loves that brand and gets her a box or two, she's satisfied.

As for Maine, he may not show it but he could be an ignorant ass. The only reason why he agreed to take care of me is the money they gave to take care of me. Plus, surprise or not, when my parents are alive, me and auntie were like bestie until she changed. However, she still likes having me around so he did it for his Queen.

And my day ends like this.

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