Chapter: 8

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Masumi POV

A couple of days pass, I went to school as normally with people staring and whispering about me. However, it's not usually rumored. It was about me and Haruhi; possibly in a relationship. How I could be a bad/horrible person even though I...look sexy? The hell is wrong with these people?

I ignore everything and continues forward to my class. Just like the outside of the classroom, people gaze and whisper. I sigh irritatedly internally as I went to take my rightful place, feeling people's eyes on the back of my head. Especially from two certain people. How annoying. I thought.

Haruhi comes and greets me, "Ohayo, Masumi-kun."

I glance at her in acknowledgment, "Ohayo, Haruhi-kun."

She sits down behind me while I went into my world where everything is peacefully and ignoring everything around me. I swear, one day, I'll drop out of this school if they keep acting like this.


It's a free period so I decided to go to my favorite spot. However, a group of 3 girls fiddles around, unsure to go near me or not as they look like they have something to say.

Being a nice person that I am that I sometime wish I'm not, I stop and look at them, "need anything ladies?"

They squeak and look at me. I stare at them expressionless, waiting patiently for one of them to speak. And one of them eventually did, "Ts-Tsukasa~San, we we-were wondering if you and H-Haruhi~kun are in a relationship."

"We are," I reply, amusing them as they gasp. I shut my eyes, "as friends." I look, to only see them be in disappointment which made me raise a brow at them. I retort, "if that's all you need, then excuse me." I left them and went to my spot and take a nap, skipping the rest of the period until lunchtime.

By the time I wake up, I saw Haruhi looking down at me. She gives me a soft closed-eyes smile, "enjoying your nap?"

I snicker, "of course."

Her cheeks are a bit tainted, before smiling, "you know, if you smile more, all the girls would love you."

"And why would I do that? I ain't no Host," I retort as I scrunch up my face at the idea of ME being one of THOSE. "No offense"

She giggles, "no offense taken. I understand that you don't want to deal with those rich folks. But be careful, Host Club is looking for that mysterious singer and if they see you like this, they're bound to get you"

"Then they're dead meat if they dare touch me. For all I care, I could go to jail," I yawn.

She sighs, "that attitude of yours is the main reason why everyone is so afraid of you."

I shrug as if her words are meaningless which it sort of is, "it's their fault for never asking for my side of the story. Besides, those people can go fuck their own bitches."

"Anyway, it's time to go back to class," she informs.

I groan, "do I have to?"

"Yes now come on you lazy bone," she grabs my arm and pulls me up, "Let's go before we're late."

"Whatever mom," I said as she drags me back to school. This is such a pain... I thought. Wait...I didn't even get to have lunch!!!


Walking home as usual, while yawning because my last class was history. Therefore, it's boring. Especially when I already know these things. And you wonder why I prefer skipping classes.

As I am walking, I hear a group of girls screaming "get away" and the usual words when they're being harassed in an alleyway. I look to see it is the same three asking about me and Haruhi. I sigh before noticing an empty can nearby. "I'm gonna regret this...what a drag..." I mumble.

I kick the can and hit what seems to be the leader of this lame gang on the head. They turns and glare at me. I look at them with a boring look with hands inside my pockets, "I would appreciate if you leave my girlfriend and her friends alone."

"And why would we do that, punk?" The leader scowls.

One of his groupies' eyes expands in realization. He stutters, "B-Boss! This guy is the Rouge. He's really strong!"

His leader spat, "who gives a shit. Look at him. He's punny."

I roll my eyes, "look, let's just be on our way. I'll take my girlfriend and her bffs and you can go fuck each other."

"Why you little—get him!" His group hesitated but nonetheless, come at me.

I sigh before swiftly punch one of them in the face. Got another guy and flip him over into the trash. Kick some other guy in the nuts.

A couple of minutes later, all his gang members are beaten up, leaving the Leader trembling. I walk up to him as I give him my death glare, "if I were you, I'll beat it or else I'll beat your ass. Just like I did to your fuckboys."

He and his group scurry off. I begin to walk away. The girls try to stop me and talk but I ignore them and said in a cold-ish tone, "go home before something like this happens again. I won't be saving your asses next time."

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