Chapter: 22

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Haruhi POV

After going back to normal, I ask, "So, who's the guy you like?"

Masumi blushes deeply which made her look adorable, "...Takashi..."

Shock. Pure shock. So shock that my jaw drops to the floor. Masumi looks away uncomfortably. I grab him by the shoulder, "Takashi as in Takashi Morinozuka? Mori-senpai?!"

"Yes! Now leave me alone!" He blushes even deeper.

I laugh, "I never thought I would see the day where Masumi has fallen in love with someone." He rolls his eyes at me. "Never figure you like the quiet type. Then again, you get quite annoyed easily whenever someone is being way too talkative." I giggle as I remember how Tamaki annoyed him by giving him a wholehearted speech about joining the Host Club one time.

"Whatever," Masumi seems to calm down and look downward at me since he's a couple of inches taller than me. He gives me a blank look for a minute as I stand there awkwardly.

"Is there...Something wrong?" I question.

"Something about you is different...But I can't place my finger on it," He mumbles, making me nervous.

Oh no, he's gonna find out. Please don't mention the club. Please don't mention the club. Please don—

"Did something happened yesterday during or after club hours?" He asks.


I look away, sweating nervously as I let out a weak laugh. Masumi stares down at me hard as I try to avoid eye contact. I could feel his glare harden as the intimidating air that he is letting out, suffocating me. After 10 seconds, I sigh in defeat.

"I now own 942, 950,000 yen..." I crocodile cry.

Masumi sigh and pat my back, "There, there, child."


But then the unexpected happens.










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Masumi then suggests, "Why don't I join the host club and help you out?"

"Eh...?" I stare at him blankly, trying to process what he just said.

He ruffles my hair as he gives me a brotherly closed-eyes smile, "Can't let you be in debt for life."

I hug him tightly and cry, "Thank you Masumi-neechan!"

"Yeah, yeah," He kisses my forehead, "Now let's get going or else we'll be late for school."

I check the time and we still have a lot of time even though it felt like 30 minutes has pass by, excluding aut—A MYSTERIOUS THING WENT OUT OF THEIR WAY AND MAKE THIS STORY LONG!

Third POV

Masumi and Haruhi arrive at school with a ton of time before homeroom starts. Masumi, being the nice and brotherly figure, he gives Haruhi a piggyback ride to make her day. People stop and stare as Haruhi smile and Masumi keeps a poker face. Not to mention he's wearing glasses. I guess they're not used to this new look. Females are blushing, along with a few males, whispering about them. Being the people that Haruhi and Masumi are, they don't give a shit.

Anyway, Haruhi text the twins to gather everyone at the club to make an announcement. Haruhi seems to be happy with Masumi joining. Meanwhile, Masumi is having second thoughts like seriously. He'll be spending time with those annoying pooches. He obviously wouldn't mind Haninozuko though. Sometime he would forget he's a senpai and not a kid like what the hell. Then there's Takashi. Wonder what will happen between Masumi, a guy who's cold but an actually have a brotherly personality, and Takashi, a guy who's hardly speaking but has something more to him.

When Masumi and Haruhi arrive in front of music room 3, Haruhi gives him a smile but a different meaning which causes chills down Masumi spine, "There's no going back now~"

HOLY FUCK! HOW MUCH DID THOSE POOCHES TORTURE THE GIRL?! Masumi panics as he scared for his life.


Okay, enough with the stupid crap. They, more like Masumi, opens the door, revealing the Host Clubs being idiots. Aka, Tamaki and the twins. The twins are bullying their 'King' by teasing and mean crap, causing Tamaki to chase them. Hani is eating cake. Wait, isn't too early for that? Well, I guess not. But anyway, Mori is by his side as always and Kyoya is writing away in his death— I MEAN NOT HIS SUSPICIOUS BLACK BOOK THAT HE IS ALWAYS CARRY AROUND AND WRITE IN IT MAJORITY OF THE DAY WHEN HE HAS THE CHANCE!

Uhem! Anyway, they all stop and look, totally in shock when they saw the two bestie. Masumi let Haruhi down. They all stand there in silence until...

The next episode of seeing Dashie from Dashiegames yelling out of anger as he plays Mario Maker!

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